The introduction

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As Lucy and her family is at home Lucy's husband ask Lucy to name the kids so Lucy decided to name her kids Lara and Peter after she named the kids Lucy then tells her husband that she is going to take the kids and introduce them to Kara and her wives. So Lucy and her kids is at the door of Kara's home and Kara open the door she sees Lucy with her kids, Lucy then introduce them to Kara by telling Kara their names are Lara and Peter Kara then tells her that is a lovely name as Alex is wondering why is Kara at and also why is taking Kara so long, then she asked Kara:"Kara! Babe! Where are you? What is taking you so long?" Kara then answered:"Alex! Babe! I'm at door! There is someone at door you might want to come and check it yourself!" Alex then answered:"Ok! Babe! I'm coming!" So Alex is at the door and she sees Lucy with her kids,  Alex then say:"Hi! Lucy!" Lucy replied:"Hi! Alex!" Alex then continued:"Are those two your kids!" Lucy answered:"Yup! They are!" Alex then continued:"What are their names?" Lucy then answered:"Their names are Lara and Peter!" Alex then answered:"Oh! What a lovely name!" Which Lucy answered:"I know!" Just as Lucy is about to leave Kara's home Alex then ask if she can take a picture of them and so Alex tell Kara to stand beside them once Kara is standing beside them Alex take a picture of them and tell Lucy and her kids goodbye. After Lucy left the place Lena then wake up ask if that is Lucy Kara then answered:"Yup! They just left!" Lena asked:"They? Who's they?" Alex then answered:"Lucy and her kids!" Lena answered:"Oh!" Alex continued:"I have the picture of them with Kara that I can show you." So Alex shows the picture of them with Kara to Lena which Kara tells Lena that their names are Lara and Peter. Lena then say:"They are cute." Alex then answered:"They are!" Kara then answered:"Really?" Both Alex and Lena hears that Kara is in jealousy so they replies:"Yeah! But! Not as cute as you! Babe!" Kara then answered:"Well... I know that I'm cute! Thank you very much!" So both Alex and Lena smiles also replies to Kara:"Your welcome! Babe!"

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