Starlet's Web - Reviews

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Thanks for reading Starlet's Web. Yes, I lived in Lia's house. Yes, I knew celebrities. Yes, what makes an actor stand apart from others is her ability to move on, to think in scripts, and to accept criticism. Want-to-be actors will only stand out if they can compartmentalize.

What is sad is how much that person has to compartmentalize. What is sad is that plastic surgery and anti-aging treatments are required for success. Should we assume that cutting up ourselves to be beautiful is a 'sure, why not?' ideal? What is sad is that so many of us accept it as status quo. So your mom got a boob job, lipo, tucks and lifts? So you get a boob job and botox in your 20s. What will your daughter get? X-nib?

Like Starlet's Web so far? Here are some of the reviews it's getting.

5 out of 5! Read it! I promise you won't regret it.- Nadah, YA blogger at

***** Stars for the starlet series
. As an industry person, it was a fun walk down memory lane reading "behind the scenes Hollywood" and recognizing people, places and industry insider "fun facts."  It not only carries a wonderful message for young women to read and relate to, but tells the story of the not so glamorous reality of behind the scenes "real Hollywood." - Hollywood film veteran

***** I'm a FAN and want the next novel! Liana Marie is a strong girl on a journey, learning to accept life's good and bad and choose what is best for her...I think of Hailee Steinfeld from True Grit or Lily Collins from Mirror Mirror, Phil Collin's daughter...Evan is a Daniel Radcliff who loves to act and knows how to keep his privacy and be a star. Bryon is your typical high school prom king, charming and hot....Manuel is a sweetheart and smart jock. He's your Tim Tebow. -Teen reader

Good read. I found this to be be a really interesting story about the celebrity lifestyle...I was surprised with how much I related to Liana Marie. I loved the twist at the end (and was shocked!). It really made me think and open my eyes to what we expect of teen celebrities and youth at large. - 20-something reader

Adored it! This was a book that I found to be all consuming. I could not put it down. I realize it was written for young adults but as a 30-something I loved it. I felt a lot of compassion for Marie and the twist completely caught me off guard! This book is a must read! I am anxiously awaiting the rest of the series.- 30-something reader

I also get scathing reviews, too. Oh well, I can't please everyone. But if you liked it, please say so here and on Amazon or Goodreads and share the love. Thanks! -Carla

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