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3 years later :

Taehyung ran around trying to find the room Yoongi’s in.

He finally found it and threw the large double doors open.

“Yoongi hyung! It’s almost time.”

He turned towards Seokjin and said, “Make it fast hyung.”

Seokjin threw a “Yah! Don’t rush an artist!” at him in protest, as he propped another safety pin into what Yoongi was wearing.

Jimin and Yoongi giggled a little more than necessary.

 “There! All done.” Seokjin exclaimed and turned Yoongi to the full length mirror on the side. He handed Yoongi a white bouquet of flowers tied with pretty blue lace.

Yoongi thought that he looked beautiful for the first time in his life.

He was dressed, for his wedding with the love of his life.

He had thought that he didn’t deserve happiness once, but Jung Hoseok had stormed into his life and adamantly told him no, made him believe otherwise.

He remembered the past three years, spending every waking moment with Hoseok, still not fully believing he was actually there.

He remembered the days when Hoseok would woke up when Yoongi decided that the blanket they were sleeping under was his and his alone.

He would squint his eyes from the morning sun and try to pull the blanket towards him to shield himself. In the process, he would also pull Yoongi flush against him, wishing him a good morning in his raspy voice and nibbling his ears until they turned red from biting or embarrassment or both.

Then when they finally woke up, they would go on little coffee and brunch dates, and Hoseok would look at him as he were holding the world’s secrets in his eyes.

They used to go job hunting together until Yoongi found a job as an elementary school teacher and Hoseok as a temporary teacher in a dance academy.

That was until last year, when Yoongi struck luck with a music label, his music was that good that it earned him a spot as the producer. Hoseok resigned from his temporary spot, when he was offered a spot at the university they graduated from.

He remembered how one day, they had the courage to look at the pictures from Hoseok's camera. He remembered how they had wept in each other's arms as unwanted memories wrapped in those pretty pictures came flooding back to them.

Things changed, things were changing. But one thing was constant. They never spoke about that time in the jungle. It was forbidden, an unspoken rule.

As Hoseok stood at the altar, his hands were shaking. He had been confident all his life, totally in control of his body and most importantly, calm and serious.

He wasn’t this petrified when he knelt down by the river bank in front of Yoongi, offering him a ring, asking him to be his for an eternity. His knees felt so wobbly, and he really wanted to pass out.

He had been jittery from morning, going over every detail that Namjoon might have missed. Best man, best friend, best at forgetting things. That was Namjoon.

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