The opening party

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Debbie's POV

We had a great time in New York, but now it's time to go back to Hawaii. They are still so many things I have to manage. The last week was also a rollercoaster of feelings for me. Meeting Lou again brought all the feelings back. I know I have to move on, but I couldn't for the last 9 years so I don't know if this will change the next 9 years.

We arrived in Hawaii and Lou had to get back to work. Me too, I have to find a partner for leading the hotel with me. I need someone I can trust.

"Lisa O'Neil, who is this?"

"Still using your fake ID?"

"Debbie! It's you. I'm so glad you're calling. What is it sweetheart?"

"Rosie, I wanted to ask you if you are happy in Germany? I mean you took revenge on my parents isn't it time to move on?"

"Yes, I mean no. It's hard to travel because they are still looking for me. And I won't find work that easily again."

"You remember who you are talking to, right? Anyways, I have a job for you. I'm living on Hawaii, I actually settled here. And I'm going to reopen a hotel and I need a trustworthy person to run the hotel with me."

"Are you serious? That's great news!"

"So when are you coming honey?"

"I don't know. I have to quit firstly and then I'll make my way to Hawaii. I could actually stopp in New York for some days, so I can see Jack."

"That's a great idea. I just came home from visiting him and Tammy."

"Wait, what? You have contact with Tammy?"

"Oh shit, I totally forgot updating you. Yes and Lou is my neighbor. And I think my daughter really liked getting to know aunty Rosie."

"Your daughter?! What the fuck Debbie? Where have I been the last years, better said where have you been??"

"Long story, Rose. I'll tell you once you are here."

We went on talking a bit before we hung up. I know I have to talk to Lou about my feelings. It is kind of awkward right now and I want to be everything good between us, I need her. Lou pulled me out if my thoughts.

„Earth to Debbie? Debbie?"

„What? Sorry I was kinda lost in my thoughts."

„You still are. I remember you being lost in your thoughts back then already."

„Yes. What were you saying?"

„You know that we have to talk about the letter and the feelings one day."

„I know, Lou. I'm just scared."


„In all those years I tried to get over my feelings for you. I never succeeded but I'm afraid to scare you. I already lost you once I can't lose you another time."

„Well then you are not the only one. I tried to hide those feelings from myself and I couldn't"

„But this-"

"I love you Debbie."

„Y-you mean it?"

„I do. I love you so fucking much it already hurts sometimes and listen I'm afraid too but-"

"I love you too Lou."

I pulled her closer in a passionate kiss and it felt so good I can't describe it in words. I wanted this for so long and I never believed it would ever happen. Right now in this moment I noticed how much I wanted this. I wanted her.

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