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Debbie decided to go to Canada before she leaves America again. The less complicated city was Vancouver so she went there. She spend six months there and then moved to Australia. She knew were Lou's relatives live and she decided to visit them because they don't have any contact to Lou and her family. Should she take the risk? On the other side she was so careful the last years so nobody could find her. And Lou's realtives never heard of Debbie so she could definetely go there. Just to be safe she decided to present herself with her middle name Annette so they won't notice.

The Millers own a very successful company in Australia and Debbie tried to be as close to them as possible. The best way to do that was applying for a job. She got accepted.

Two weeks were over and Debbie didn't speak to anybody yet. She was busy observing Lou's realtives and she tried to find out how their personality is. She was so lost in her thoughs that she didn't notice a girl talking to her.

"You here? Hello?"

"What?... Sorry I was kinda lost in my thoughts."

"So, you must be new to the business I never saw you around."

"Yes. I'm Annette. Just moved here from Vancouver and try to earn some money, you know."

"Hey I'm Liz. My family owns this whole shit here."

"Wow, that's impressive!"

"More or less yes I guess. Which school do you go to?"

"Uhm...I don't know. I mean I can't remember the name."

"Is it 'South Sydney Highschool'?"

"Y.. yes that must be the name." Debbie didn't know what to do. She couldn't tell the truth.

"Cool! I go there too!"


"We could meet tomorrow and I can guide you around."

"Thanks, that will be nice."

Debbie's POV

Shit. I mean I wanted to get contact to her relatives but not that way. And Liz, she is like Lou. The blond hair, ice blue eyes and strong personality. I remember that Lou once mentioned a cousin named Liz. I have to be very careful by now. First I have to come up with an excuse why I'm living in a hotel. Second I have to think about that school. I never applied on it and that could be a big problem tomorrow. Third I have think about some supervision excuse. But let's take a bath first. I feel like whenever I go somewhere and there are like a million things to get done and to think about, I just take a bath and my mind solves every problem.
When I saw Liz today all the deep feelings for Lou came up. I tried my best to not start crying but it isn't that easy. I called uncle Jack so he could enrol me at school. No sooner said than done.
It was the next morning and in comparison to Lou, Liz wasn't late.

"Good Morning Annette."

"Good Morning Liz. By the way you can call me Anne."

"Okay Anne, ready?"

"Yes, let's go."

"So I don't know why but you remind me of someone. I feel like I have seen you before."

"That's impossible. So you and your family are super famous?"

"Yes, but it is not just a pleasure. You know, it's hard to make friends who don't just want to take advantage of you. But let's not talk about me. I can hear by the accent that you are not canadian."

"Well, I'm not. I'm half american and half german."

"Wow, cool. Have you been to Germany? A part of my family lives there."

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