Part 13

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Ughh why is my head hurting, I felt constricted opened my eyes and seen the most beautiful girl in

the world staring back at me with a scared look holding a bright pink baseball bat I started laughing,

she just looked at me confused and started to walk closer to me, I felt wetness on top of my head I

start to feel very nausea I couldn't keep in in.

"ohhh god get be a bucket I am going to be sick"

She looked at me with sheer panic and rant to some room then ran back with a pink bucket an held

it Infront of me and turned away from me, the just a huge wave of nausea cove over me the I

vomited twice, she gaged in responds,

"okay I think I am fine now"

She put the bucket to the other side of the room then came up to me and said

"why are you in my house"

"aww this is your house, I thought it was my friends house he said I could crash here while he's away

for a bit"

"well its my house and I am certainly not your friend so tell me his name so I can have a few words

with them"

"hahah cute as if you can take on my friend he's in prison for a dangerous crime but defo cute that

you would try, ohhh yeah his name is Corbyn with a Y"

She just looked at me as if I was going crazy....

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