Part 7

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Yeahhhh it not Friday and I am on my way to see my brother and also my best friend Corbyn, I was
very glad to go because I had some exciting news to tell him and I also can wai for a new piece of art
work that Corbyn has drew so I can put it up in my small apartment on campus, I was traveling for
about two hours when my phone ran it was Daisy my best friend, she doesn’t know about Corbyn’s
situation all she know is that I am on my way to my big brother who she thinks works on the road
and travels a lot. She was taking about this boy she had been talking to he was a 6ft 4in tall and he
had an 8 pack with full sleeve tattoos which I was wary about because she was a very trusting person
and this man sounds too good to be true then she shouted down the phone saying she was planning
on meeting him today then I just broke and started yelling at her to not meet up with him until I get
back in case something bad happens then she just huffed then ended the call I was shocked at her
reaction she never does anything like that.

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