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Malik Huges, 18

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Malik Huges, 18

"I still don't like how y'all all was talking bout me in the car!" Kaya frowns,

"Shut up!" I chuckle

"Nah fuck you skinny dyslexic doodoo dumb discombobulated deranged yellow bumble bee transformers crack headed bum ass bitch!"

"Mcht mane if youn shut up dumb dumb bubble gum not knowing what 1+1-"

"that old ass shit!" Gigi cuts me off,

"Fuck y'all my titties bigger than all y'all's and ion even got any!"

"Damn im just flat on both sides huh?" Nakaya says

"You been knowing that!" I said,

She gasped, "fuck you nigga you look like you got ran over 10 times!" She said,

"Maybe I did!"

"I can make it 11 for you real quick!"

"So you gon run me over?" I put my arm around her shoulder pulling her closer,

"Mhm you gon eat that?" She points to my plate,

"Nah you can have it!" I transfer my arm to her stomach rubbing on it,

She takes a bite "I forgot to tell you that that shit is hot!" I said,

"That's cause you put all this damn nasty ass Asian hot sauce!" She spits it out,

"Fuck Malik why would you let me eat that?" She punches my shoulder,

"My bad!" I shrug

"Is it hot?" Gigi laughs,

"Hell yea ion eat hot food!" She does that shit you be doing with hot pizza rolls

"Here jackass!" I give her my drink,

She chugs it, "nigga is this sprite?" She looks at me,

"Yea why?"

"Fuck fuck fuck!" She blows her tongue off with her hands,

"You ok?"

"Bitch I'm finna cry Malik why you let me do that?"

"Where you going?"

"To get some milk nigga that shit shouldn't of even been that fucking hot!" Tears fill up in her eyes,

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