The threesome

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Shayla's POV

My eyes flew opened  because of my alarm. This is like the 5th one I set, I don't know what happened. I promised myself that I would jump out of bed at the first alarm! But of course that didn't happen. I forced myself out of bed dragging my feet as I shuffled to my kitchen. The only good food in my pantry are pop tarts. I decided to take them because I never had pop tarts for a year! ( For the 44 days of 2015 :P Yes, its February but I'm still making these jokes. Don't judge me okay)

After eating, I checked out kik and found out that most of my asshole friends were ditching school! Rude AF, leaving me in the dust all alone. Oh well, at least my bus horror doesn't start until next week. 

-Fast forward cause no one cares what I do on my way to school-

I was just casually standing with one of my friends WHO DIDN'T DITCH SCHOOL TODAY *cough* Nicole *cough*  When I heard the sound of the three lunatics who are also my friends. Brittney grabbed onto my shoulder like a mad man telling me to look at Maria. Oh wow, she was wearing bright colors amazing -.- (She always wears her hair in a side braid and this greyish black sweater that she once called "Dark white" Someone is clearly a tumblrina) Thats when I noticed that Maria had not one, but TWO braids. I let out a loud screech, some people starred. They must be new because clearly everyone else is used to the weird shit me and my squad do.  Anyways what happens after isn't really important, its the events that took place later in the afternoon that scarred me for life. 

I was innocently hopping around the remaining friends and acquaintances that didn't ditch school today when I heard Rachel yell out "SACRIFICE ALYSSA!" Thats when Brittney and Maria slowly started surrounding Alyssa chanting "Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!"

I looked at Alyssa, I should step in but i'm too lazy to fight off my friends lol. Her other friends Fayth and some guy looked concerned. Well the guy looked slightly concerned at first, but when he found out that my weird friends are chanting "Sacrifice" and not "stab her face" he walked away. Thats when Fayth jumped in (that brave soul) and attempted to restrain Maria, forgetting that Brittney is literally right behind Alyssa. "RUN!" Fayth screamed, again I would have stepped in but I'm too lazy plus this is hilarious! Plus I already got snow down my boot today so I'm done.

I won't tell you all the details, but Maria escaped from Fayth's grasp and wrapped herself around Alyssa's leg while Brittney had a death grip on her arm. Poor Alyssa. They eventually got Alyssa to kneel in the snow. After a few awkward seconds a group of guys yelled out "This is better than a porno!" Oh shit, there was people watching this!? I quickly fled from the scene, hoping that I won't be associated with this threesome in any way. The rest of my day was just a boring, normal, crappy day. 

My parents leave Monday, family day. Thanks mom and dad! Leaving your poor young child home alone! I wonder what kind of people I'll meet on the bus, after all I'm taking it for a full week. In jr.high a week pretty much lasts forever so I'm going to end up meeting someone. Lets hope I'm not left in an awkward situation.

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