Chapter 16

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"Catch me if you can!" I crowed as I ran through the trees, leaving the King of the Woodland Realm in the dust behind me. Sunlight flashed through gaps in the leaves as I whizzed past, revelling in the feeling of my feet flying across the ground. 

"Slow down!" Thranduil panted from behind me.

Laughing, I slowed down a little, turning around to see him red-faced and panting so hard it was on the verge of wheezing. I stopped and smiled. "Aww. Poor lamb. Can't keep up with a girl? When was the last time you raced anyway?" I taunted upon seeing his face. 

Thranduil scowled at me mockingly. "Sometime years ago which I am glad not to recall," he said. "Come on. I want to show you something." Grabbing my hand, he led me to a wide tree, and told me to climb. 

I did as he told, easily scaling the tree with him not too far behind me. Mirkwood trees were easy to climb, with their twisted limbs and various vines. When reached a flat branch that was high off the ground, Thranduil beckoned for me to stop. "Stop here," he said, before closing his hands over my eyes.

"Thranduil!" I yelped, poking him in the ribs with my elbow. 

Thranduil laughed, a warm sound that bounced all around us like a sunbeam. "Trust me," he whispered in my ear.

I felt the rustling of leaves against my face, then it was bathed in warmth. "Open your eyes," he said, removing his hands. 

The world yawned into sight, and my breathing hitched at what I beheld.

Little blue butterflies fluttered around our heads, which were peeking through shimmering red and gold leaves. The forest canopy stretched out like a mighty sea, tinges of copper and gold waving in the wind. Beyond, there was a pristine blue lake, which was glinting in the morning sun. A river flowed from it, disappearing underground into the slick rocks. Behind that, there was a single snow-capped mountain, jutting up from the land. Erebor.

"Thranduil, this is...beautiful!" I managed to say, swallowed up in the beauty that surrounded us.

Thranduil only chuckled. "I knew you would like it here," he said, wrapping his arms around my waist. Feeling like a little girl again, I outstretched my finger, and a butterfly nimbly landed on it, gently flapping its cobalt blue wings. After a few seconds, it took off again, flying off to join the rest of its family as they flitted through the treetops. 

I sighed, leaning my head back against Thranduil's shoulder. "What are you thinking?" he asked as I brought my head forward again. 

Sighing again, I fidgeted with Thranduil's sleeve. "It's just...Smaug still holds Erebor, does he not?" He nodded. 

"He laid waste to an innocent and thriving city of Men, and now holds dominion over one of the greatest kingdoms in Middle Earth." I shut my eyes, blotting out the thoughts that began stirring. "I do not want to be capable of such evil."

Considering, Thranduil held me tighter, swaying slightly. "Your conscience is the driving force of your decisions," he said after a while. "It is like the day and the night. There is a dark side, and there is a light side. You just need to make sure that the dark side is always asleep."

I smiled, as my head cleared again, the dark thoughts dissipating like dew in the sun. Admiring the beautiful view, I sighed, content with the moment, using my imagination to shrink Erebor from a stolen Dwarvish Dragon's den to nothing more than a lonely mountain peak in the distance.


I jumped off a low branch, landing on the ground on two feet. The sun was at its zenith in the sky, which meant it was a spider's lunchtime. We certainly didn't want to be caught out here when they came crawling about. Hand in hand, we walked back happily, chatting and laughing together like old friends. After walking for a while, we arrived in a small clearing, bordered with little squatting bushes, where I stopped to gaze up through the thick foliage. Through the thick branches you could see a bit of sunlight. It was one of the rare spots on the ground of the dark forest where you could catch a glimpse of the outside world. 

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