Trainer-Fics: Overpowered OCs

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Now, when I mean "Overpowered OCs" I'm talking about those bad "Chosen One" characters. You know what I'm talking about, right? I'm talking about those Pokémon Trainer OC's who meet every. Single. Legendary. In. Existence. And then they catch them.

When I clicked on the story, I expected to see the story about a new trainer making their way in the large, Pokémon world. Not the story about how this trainer became the strongest in existence on their first attempt.

Oh, and did I mention that they meet and tame most, if not, all the legendaries that exist?

Like... One or two is fine, but all of them?

C'mon, are you even trying to set any power limits for this character?

It annoys me to no limit when I see this character beat every league, every champion, and almost every trainer on the first try. I've rarely seen OC trainers actually lose major battles.

And when they DO actually lose, it's something like this;

The new trainer asks to battle against a champion, and they (obviously) lose. The Champion sees "something within" the trainer, and tells them to meet her at the league.

I'm not calling anyone out, but I've seen a fic where the trainer is literally GIVEN like... THREE legendaries, on one of his first days. But what made this fic a bit better, was that the first legendary was disobedient.

If you give an actual story as to why and how the legendary is caught, and not have Arceus pull one of these:

"We will all go under this random trainer's ownership, for.... Reasons..."

Arceus. You are a God. Don't waste your limitless life away!

Now, I'm not really against OCs being overpowered. If done correctly, it could be a really fun experience to read. But why do like, 90% of them have to be about overpowered trainers? It just makes things boring.

Keep in mind that these are my opinions. I'm just speaking my mind. Any suggestions for more pet-peeves? Put 'em in the comments if you'd like! 

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