Chapter 49 - The Chase

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The wind is blowing on my face with such speed that my ravished hair feels like a thousand of needles poking my cheeks.
My hands are shaking and I barely see the contour of the car that's behind us, yet I pull the trigger.
The bullet ends up in our attackers windshield, but it doesn't seems to bother them. They just keep on following us.
"Try to aim for the driver!" Juan screams while focusing on the road.
He's angry and I am too. How else could I be when I was about to get rid of one of the biggest burdens of my life, but these idiots appeared and ruined everything.
"Fucking whore!" Juan says.
If it would've been a normal day I would've liked to ask him to repeat that line over and over again, only to prove that I was right about Clara. If it wasn't her then who else could've called Juan's old gang and some other guys that were ready to kill us?
They wanted our money. So they shouted in the moment when me and Juan were getting in our car at the storehouse. Then they opened fire, but luckily only the back of the car was affected and nothing happened to us.
"Yes! Take this motherfuckers!" I shout in the moment when my bullet reaches its target. "You fucking assholes!"
I'm looking so satisfied at the car behind us breaking into a wall in the moment when the driver is being shot.
"See, I told you that you're good with guns." Juan says laughing. "But, careful cause there are two more."
I try to shot the next car that's coming faster from behind, but I miss it.
A rafale of bullets is shattering our rear windshield and we have to lay down for a few seconds to avoid getting shot.
"Silene are you okay?" Juan asks me.
"Yes, I'm fine." I say trying to get my gun. "Rodrigo is gonna kill us."
Juan lets out a nervous laugh and gets back on driving.
The initial plan was to reach a safe house, but I don't see how big are the chances.
I take a deep breath and try to aim for the car that's chasing us. But, I fail miserably. I'm so frustrated just at the thought that the people from that car are now laughing of how bad I could shoot.
"Fuck this shit!" I scream while loading the gun. "I can't do it."
"You can." Juan replies calmly. "Just try to focus."
Usually I should've been able to focus and kill them after Juan told me this majestic line, like in all action movies. But, unfortunately, this is real life and I miss it again.
"I'm so sorry." I tell him when I miss even the third attempt. "I think the first car was just beginner's luck. I don't wanna fail you, but..."
"Silene." he takes his eyes from the road for a few seconds. "Just so you know, I'm very proud of you."
I look at him and smile, then I lean down and kiss him fast.
Apparently, all we needed was a chase and our bodies to be filled with adrenaline to get back on how we used to be. In this moment I don't feel anything bad about him. Whatever happened in the past seems rather like a nightmare that I half forgot in the morning than reality and I prefer to consider it this way. I'm so happy while we're running for our lives that I think I might be able to even raise this man's child.
"Te amo.*" I say getting ready to shoot again.
I miss.
"Te amo.*" he replies with a smile.
And this time the bullet finally reached its target. I guess it never worked till now because this isn't just a random action movie, this is my love story.
"Silene, watch out!" he shouts grabbing me by the hand and pulling me down to avoid the bullet that penetrates the windshield.
I breathe in heavily, still in shook by the adrenaline mixed with panic that invades me in the moment when I look at the hole. A few seconds ago, my head was right in the direction of the bullet.
But, the fact that Juan saved me, costed us a lot. The motherfuckers successfully shot one of our tires and now the car is moving slower and slower.
"Fuck!" I scream in the moment when Juan looks at me.
"Out there!" he says indicating me an abandoned building a few meters away from the road. "We have to go there."
He stops the car and takes his gun while I'm randomly shooting in the direction of the car that was chasing us and it's now parked right behind us.
"Grab the bag and run!" he shouts.
"No!" I scream. "I'm not leaving you here!"
"If you're not doing it, then we'll be both dead." he says covering me from a rafale of bullets that shatters our windows completely.
"Fine." I say and kiss him fast. "Don't get yourself killed."
"I won't." he says smiling. "Wait for me."
"Always." I reply, then turn my back on him and run.
Freedom feels so weird in this moment. Without Juan, somehow it's incomplete, and it rather feels like I'm pinned down by own guilt, than running for my life.
I hear the bullets in the background and I'm tempted to look back a few times, but I have to focus. If not for me, for him and the thing that's now growing inside my womb.
The abandoned building is actually an old storehouse, similar to the one we lived in, and surprisingly, the door opens without too much difficulty.
I have to tell him. Actually, this is the first thing that I'll say once he'll be in here too. I can't hide this from him for so long.
The first thing that hits me when I enter is the smell. I don't think I've ever smelled something as bad in my entire life. As much as I'd like to look and see where's Juan, I have to stop and throw up.
"Silene, are you okay?" his voice comes from behind.
I can't reply, but I accept his hand when he offers to support me.
I'm so happy that he made it too.
"There are just a few more left." Juan says visibly exhausted. "We can do this."
I nod and try to seem as fine as possible.
The windows are mostly blocked, but there are still small spaces from where you can take out your gun and shoot.
Juan already does this while I'm still trying to hold myself.
"Silene, what's with you?" he looks at me concerned.
"I'm fine." I lie. "It's just that I wanted to tell you something."
"Sure." he says smiling while shooting a few bullets in the direction of our attackers. "Tell me."
"I'm not sure what you'll think about it, but you have the right to know." I start still unsure how to tell him. "But, I'm..."
I don't get to finish my sentence. The bullet goes straight through the small opening between the two wooden panels in the window and gets stuck in Juan's shoulder. Then, he collapses on the floor.
"No!" I scream filled with terror.
What the actual fuck did I do? I can't believe that I distracted him and he got shot because of me. God, how stupid I can be to think that this shit of a pregnancy is more important than what we're doing now.
"We don't have time!" Juan screams at me when I want to look at his wound. "Try to stop them."
I do as he says, fighting with my tears while I'm aiming for my target.
Apparently the fear and despair are acting like a good fuel for me and I manage to take down two people in the first few minutes.
"How many are there?" I ask him.
"Five." comes his almost whispered answer.
So, I have three more.
"Where's the phone?" I scream remembering that we still have Tatiana's phone.
"In the car." he replies.
"Fuck!" I say between my teeth.
One of those idiots makes the mistake to get out from the huge rock that he was hiding behind. I don't think that I can describe with how much pleasure I pull the trigger and look at his body collapsing.
Shortly, another one follows him and I don't hesitate when I pull the trigger again.
"There's one more." I tell Juan.
"You did a great job." he whispers. "I'm very proud of you."
I won't deny, I'm proud of myself too, but I'm not happy with the fact that Juan got shot because I distracted him.
"Where the fuck is the last one." I say frustrated that I can't find the last bastard.
"Right here!" a voice says in the moment when the door is slammed behind me. "Don't move!"
I heard this voice, but I'm not completely sure where.
"Drop the gun." the man tells me. "Your little game is over."
I think my heart just skips a beat in the moment when the loud gunshot is reverberating through the entire room.
When I turn to look, Nicolás' body is laying on the floor. The blood pouring like a cascade from his neck.
My knees feel like jelly. The tears are streaming down my face. I'm not even sure if I'm happy, scared or relived. All I know is that I can't allow myself to collapse in the abyss of despair right now. Juan did the exact same thing that I did with Sancho in our first days and I decide to focus on the happiness that this thing gives me.
"Thank you." I whisper while helping him to stand up. "Now, let's get out of here."

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