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Jaskier couldn't. In addition, he was not able, the pressure and thoughts took over him for hours and hours, not to mention the physical pain. Since being tasked with being the guide for the supposed "monster experts", he was restless all the time, always with immense chest pain and burning in his lungs every time he breathed. The thought that he would die with every panic attack that he experienced, and the multiple ideas and perspectives of how everything should happen and how he should act consumed him slowly, giving him terrible psychological pain.


He quickly looks ahead of him, where was a soldier he did not recognize.

-Leave the princess dreams for the night and come to help newbies. -Jaskier sighs with difficulty, feeling the body shock caused by the nervous system.

"-Breath deeply ... Keep a comfortable distance ... Controls the tone of voice ..." -Jaskier tried to list all the measures to keep calm, while already walking to where the newbies were. As soon as he arrives at the training camp, he meets a small group of people, clearly young.

This caused his nervousness to be replaced by the feeling of surprise and pity. Those children were probably seen as incompetent by their parents and family, who simply abandoned them in an army full of adults and trauma.


The children look quickly at Jaskier, some with red and swollen eyes and others still crying. A teenager, probably 14/15 years old, steps forward to the front of the group, with a child clinging to her leg.

-Sir, please don't make us soldiers, none of us want that...

"-Believe me, neither do I ..." - he thought. -Let me take you all to the huts, then you could rest and process everything ...

As soon as Jaskier sees the girl's head tilt to the ground, he sighs, and turns on his heels, guiding them to the huts.

After 10 minutes, he stops in front of the "residence" and opens the door.

-Enter and sleep, an officer will arrive here in 3 hours.

The children were entering slowly, heading for the beds. Jaskier was going to close the door until the same teenager puts her foot in the way.

-I beg you not to do this to us! -Jaskier keeps his gaze centered on the side of the girl's head, avoiding eye contact.

-I promise that I will give you the least of worries. Now rest. -so said, he quickly closes the door, striding away from the place.

First, there are such monster specialists, now children with legitimate traumas. Better to start preparing for death.


If there's some strange vibe going on, it's because I wrote this while listening to FNAF.


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