Zodiac Energy

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What your zodiac sign energy gives

Aries Energy is a traffic jam when you're late, it's a wildfire that burns down the forest, spilling hot coffee on your lap, it's the blood rushing through your veins, the adrenaline from a workout, the salt that's released when you sweat

Taurus Energy is the nice old lady neighbor you have, it's the calm meadow full of flowers, it's Mother Nature, it's the friend that dresses simple but always looks good, the expensive wine, a bath full of bubbles, it's the hearty meal you eat when starving

Gemini Energy is the wind that blows, it's the identical twins that are complete opposites, it's complex and full of plot twists, it's a breath of fresh air, it's as sharp as a nail, it's the thoughts that keeps you up til 3am

Cancer Energy is grandma's cookies, it's the scent of the right before it rains, it's comforting yet intense, it's your bed and your blanket, it's the shoulder to cry on, it's the advice from your parents, it's the feeling of coming home from a vacation

Leo Energy is enlightening, it's the confidence you build to talk to your crush, it's the finger paint kids create, it's a child's laugh, it's fun and free. It's the feeling you get when you look at the mirror after getting ready

Virgo Energy is the helping hand when you need it the most, it's the insanity that prevents you from sleeping, it's a healthy breakfast, it's the stress of having too much on your plate, it's the scale you weigh yourself on. It's all about striving for perfection

Libra Energy is the proposal, the red dress you wear on a special occasion, it's being able to fall back on your partner. It's an aesthetic. Almost like the fine art you see in a museum. It's a Shakespeare play. It's a bouquet of roses

Scorpio Energy is the void. It's captivating, scary, intimidating. It's the nightmare that makes you scared to go back to sleep. It's the bitterness of black coffee, it's the burn you get from hot water. It's a snake shedding skin

Sagittarius Energy is the open road. It's maps, globes, gps. It's philosophy. It's the shot of tequila after a busy week. It's a bonfire that brings everyone together. It's the spice you get from jalapeño and the zest from a lime

Capricorn Energy is the working professional in a cubicle, it's the feeling you get on payday, it's the stock market. It's the estranged relationship with your parents. It's the grumpy old man who lives alone. It's the ice cold snow.

Aquarius Energy is the people. It's rioting, protesting, and petitioning. It's the punk with the leather jacket and blue hair. It's the person who knows a guy for every situation. It's the chalkboard your teacher use. It's your highschool clique.

Pisces Energy is the deep sea full of beauty and mystery. It's mermaid you dreamt of. It's viewing the world with rose-colored glasses. It's the high you get from a painkiller. It's captivating and dangerous, like Medusa.


i just wanna be a rock in my next life

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