Chapter Six: Learn To Be Free

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Bariş wasn't moving. He'd tossed Zeynep over his shoulder, ignored her weak protests and practically broke the front door down with his free shoulder when the entry code refused to work. He had bragged endlessly about how high tech the building was, but at the moment, he was cursing it for keeping him out. Zeynep clung to his torso while he huffed his annoyance at the machine that dared to defy him.

"That's what happens when you live inside a computer, Bariş Bey." Zeynep laughed at him defiantly, the urge to tease him was irresistible, even upside down and at his mercy.

That was the moment Bariş became so still the laughter instantly died on her lips.

" What's wrong?" she asked, attempting to peek around him, not brave enough to lean up, given the state of her still open top.

His only was response was the firming of his grip on the back of her thigh. Massaging his fingers into her, he began to move his hand aggressively higher, "What did I say would happen when you called me Bariş Bey?" his voice a low timber that vibrated against her lower half. Zeynep flashed back to the bathtub earlier that day and her legs clenched together of their own volition.

"Oh no, bebek, there's no keeping me out." He warned as his hand dove deep between her legs, his strong fingers pressing into her throbbing folds and stroking her through her pants.

"You're so hot, Zeynep. As scorching as the sun. Are you wet for me too?" Bariş nipped the curvy cheek closest to his face and rubbed her harder.

"Agghh, Bariş!" Zeynep moaned, she secretly loved it when he talked dirty to her and pressed her legs tighter around his wicked fingers in response. She didn't know how much more of this she could take. She was beginning to see spots and didn't know if it was from all the blood rushing to her head or all the blood rushing back to her nether regions.

"What's wrong, Zeynepcim?" Bariş asked innocently, continuing to torture her, while simultaneously attempting to gain entry to the penthouse once more.

Zeynep decided two could play at this game and given her arms were already locked around his waist, she simply slipped a hand between his legs and squeezed him through his pants.

Bariş bucked, slamming a hand against the door to steady himself, his other hand pushing harder into her as he growled. Just as she thought he'd given up, ready to drop her to the ground and take her here and now, the lock disabled and he snapped back into action. He pushed his way in, turned to slam the door shut, then deposited Zeynep on her feet in front of it, never leaving her personal space.

She was dizzy, but determined as she grabbed him by the collar, attacking his mouth hungrily as she tore at the buttons of his coat. Bariş pulled at the shoulders of her jumpsuit, pushing it down her arms. Zeynep broke away to finish taking it off and he did the same with his coat. She was faster at getting free and went to work on removing his flannel, which soon followed his coat to the floor. Zeynep unhooked her bra and watched as Bariş removed his shirt, never taking her eyes off him. Her mouth watered at the sight of his lean, perfectly chiseled chest; she was dying to get her hands on it.

She worked to free herself from the jumpsuit that had become stuck at her hips and Bariş eyes locked onto her breasts as they swayed back and forth with her desperate movements. He looked just as desperate to have them for himself. The moment she was free, he was on her; pushing her against the door, the bite of the cold surface a shock to her senses. She gasped audibly and Bariş took that as an invitation to help himself to her mouth as his hands conquered her breasts.

Zeynep surrendered to his invasion and arched her body into his, moaning into his mouth as he molded her breasts. She dug her nails into the skin of his back and wrapped her leg around his, dying to relieve the pulse beating wildly deep within her. Breaking the kiss, Bariş reached down, grabbed both her thighs and she eagerly jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. She feasted on his neck and shoulder as he massaged her bottom and turned to take her further inside the apartment.

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