Shayla has a problem!

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Once upon a time, there was a small child named Shayla. One day her parents decided to take a trip to the US for a week! (Shayla lives in Canada so thats a country away! :o) 

They decided to leave poor Shayla alone. Because their trip was during a school week, Shayla has to take the bus alone! This wasn't a nice, safe, loud school bus. This was a city bus with strangers! 

"Hey mom?" Shayla asked, she was quite nervous. After all, as an even younger child she was always taught that stranger meant danger. Why were her parents making her get into a vehicle with a bunch of strangers? That is literally the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do during stranger danger!

"Yes Shayla?" Her mother replied. "What is it?"

"Do you know what bus I'm supposed to take? And the time it comes at?" After all, she didn't want to have to walk to school. Its February in Canada, and she lives wayyyy to far. 

Shayla's mother gave her a blank stare for a few seconds, it was quite awkward. After all, Shayla describes herself as an awkward person. 

"Why would I know this? I have a car unlike you and your friends! Ask one of your friends, they're probably more prepard and know what bus they're supposed to take. I bet they know what time it comes at to!"

"But mom!" Shayla nearly shrieked. "None of my friends take the bus in the morning!"

Shayla's mother gave her another blank stare, then laughed "Well that isn't my problem. You're in grade 8 now, do your own research and find out the bus times yourself!"

"But mommmmm" Shayla complained. "I don't even know what bus I'm supposed to take!"

"Well then maybe you should look it up?" Her mother addressed in a sarcastic tone.

Shayla opened her mouth to argue, but there was clearly no point. Her mother wasn't going to help her find a bus. 

She walked back to her room, opened her laptop and checked for the bus times.

"This should count as child abuse" Shayla thought to herself. After finding the right bus and the time it comes at, she put the times into her phone. Hopefully she  wouldn't forget about it.  She would just skip school that week, but the school play is coming up in a few months. Because shes in honor art, shes being forced to participate and has to help with the set and props. 

Shayla crawled into her bed, she only has a week until she has to enter that death trap. The week she'll have to take public transportation all by herself.

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