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- I don't know, he just sat here, chill mom.

I end up laughing and she looks at me annoyed.

Mom- Stay away from my daughter, she has a test and has to stay focus

She speaks in portuguese, grabs me by the arm and takes me away from him.

Mom- How many times have I told you to not talk to strangers. - she yells

- Chill mom, he just went to check if I was ok, all of this you are doing is not necessary.

Mom- Check what, did you ask for help? - She crosses her arms

- I was short of breath because I was nervous, and you were I don't even know where, so he helped me to stay calm.

Mom- "to stay calm", I know your "stay calm", remember I already had your age.

She rolls her eyes and turns on the phone to check the time.

Mom- The test is in 15 minutes.

She says and I grab my board that wasn't light.


The 15 minutes had passed and the test was now!

xx- Who will compete for the 4 women's places, position themselves at the starting line.

A man with a horn, a microphone and sunglasses says and I see some girls positioning themselves to enter the water.

 There were several people watching, actually more watching than participating. I hear the horn and run into the water. I start to swim towards the waves but someone gets there first, I couldn't see who it was because it was so fast! I wait for the next wave, which I manage to catch, and I do a Floater that would definitely give me some good points, I continue and manage to do the tube, it was risky because I had never managed to do one before and it's very difficult, but I did it and my first test didn't could run better. Time was almost up and I managed to do a perfect aerial! My grandpa would be so proud of me.

I did a few more maneuvers and time ran out, it went even better than I thought. I swim to the sand and go hug my mother who had a huge smile on her face.

Mom- water?

I agree with my head and she gives me the bottle of water and I drinked it all and pass my hands in my face.

- I am impressed with myself

I say smiling and she grabs the bottle back.

Mom- Now, when will they tell the results?

She asks and looks at the jury members who were reunited, probably evaluating us to choose the 4 women.

- I don't know but I think it won't take much time.

I say sitting in the sand.


It was after noon and the sun was very strong, not even the sunscreen protected me, I'm already tanned. My mom was getting upset, she looks funny when she is like this, but at the same is terrifying so don't provoke her if you want to stay alive.

xx- All contestants, I need you to gather here!

The man with the horn calls and all participants form a circle around him.


Do you think she will pass?

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