Chapter Sixteen | Nightmares Are Real

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Nightmares could come true. Ember knew that fact. She knew that feeling she had when she was a kid and woke up from a nightmare. After a few moments of fear, she would realize it was a dream, it wasn't real.

She would be safe and in her bed, all was well.

This was not one of those times.

Her head felt as if it were being split into two along with her mouth being as dry as a desert. It felt as if she was hungover, to a party she definitely did not go to.

Before Ember got a chance to focus on her surroundings she felt herself falling back to sleep. She didn't think she was tired, her eyes, however, felt like they weighed a million pounds.

She couldn't help but give in to sleep.

~ Yesterday Morning ~

Ember made her way through the hellish traffic that was New York City. Despite it being 05:30 everyone around her seemed wide awake.

There was something always nice about being up early enough to see the sunrise or the sounds of birds before then. Not that she heard anything more than car horns or yelling normally.

Though today was already not what she wanted.

Ember was anxious from the start, her breathing was out of whack and every time her mind was in silence she couldn't help but think of the past. It was nothing new of course, she was used to ignoring it most of the time.

She just wished it would go away or she could stop feeling for a day, just to rest without a weight on her chest.

Her night sleep was the cause of her heading into work so early, some days she didn't even bother going in since most-if not all the things she did could be done over the computer.

When Ember had finally arrived she felt off.

She took her phone out and turned off the music she had in one earbud. She liked the music to occupy her wandering mind, but she also liked hearing her surroundings.

When Ember walked up to the locked doors did she hear it.


That's when she noticed the silver car.

No one there parked out front other than Carmon and Ryan, both of which were not here and didn't own a car in that shade.

It was probably just someone parked there for the night or something. There weren't many parking spaces in this part of the city. At least that's what she wanted to think.

"Hi, Emmy!" The voice cheered behind her.

Ember held the keys in her hand tighter, this wasn't real.

But it was.

Greg came closer to her, she was frozen. All she could do is watch his reflection through the glass doors.

Once his hands touched her did she come back to reality, it made her skin want to crawl away. She thought about turning, but then she would have to look him in the face.

So Ember brought her elbow back enough to hit him. She took the few seconds it took him to recover to punch him with a set of keys.

"You fucking bitch!" He groaned holding his cheek. An inch or two closer and she would have gotten his left eye.

Though before Ember got to run someone behind her injected her with something. Ember felt the prick of a needle in her neck.

It was as if she could feel the Earth moving, everything was blurry. Greg stepped closer but she wasn't able to push him away this time.

"Get her in the car before someone sees." A raspy voice spoke. There was something familiar about it, however, Ember wasn't able to place it.

Who was she?


The first time Ember woke up wasn't much better than the reality was before passing out.

Her head still hurt like a bitch and she felt like she was going to freeze to death. Though, this time she was able to notice a few things.

Her hands and legs were bound to a chair that smelled of literal piss.

And she was very sure it wasn't from her.

The room was dark and when she got the chance to get her breathing under control she didn't hear anything.


Like in any horror movie Ember had ever watched, she felt her hope slowly go away as a woman walked in with the coldest blue eyes.

The hag almost reminded Ember of the wicked witch of the west with the way her heels hit the cement floor.

She switched on a light that made Ember want to murder the woman even more than she had already. Ember squinted as she walked closer. Ember still felt as if she were trapped in an endless nightmare.

Or possibly a personal Hell.

Her grin could scare children if her harsh voice didn't already do so.

Greg walked in behind her sporting a blackening eye along with a scratch under his left eye where Ember hit him. At the sight of that, she kinda wanted to smile.

"Hello sweetheart," the woman said with a snare.

Her long brown hair was neatly tied up in a ponytail and her face was littered with poorly put on makeup.

"Aw, still not talking I see," she chuckled without any hint of humor.

Ember looked up at her mother.

Studying her face, wishing her restraints weren't so tight so she could strangle the woman. She settled for spitting in her face.

"You little bitch!" She shrieked.

Ember laughed.

She was already screwed, she didn't have to make their lives any easier.

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