Chapter Twelve | Dating a Model

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Holland was kinda paranoid after seeing that picture of herself. The walk to work didn't seem to help matters. She didn't even realize anything different every time she tried to think back.

If she didn't know someone was following her then, could they still be following her? Maybe that's what the stalker wanted them to think.

The whole thing freaked Holland out-rightfully so-however, at the end of the day, it was simply a picture.

Ember seemed a bit worked up over it still. It had been a week since it happened but she was a bit suspicious that something worse was going to happen.

Holland tried not to think about it. Of course, it was all easier said than done.

Just as Holland thought she was figuring Ember out then her dead sister's mentally unbalanced boyfriend threatened her girlfriend and Holland was back to stage one again. She didn't know anything.

When Holland walked into the coffee shop the bell rang as she opened the front door. She would be safe there, security cameras and people were there at least as witnesses or something. At least that's what Holland told herself.

Holland went to the back and put her apron and hat on before she headed back out front. "Morning, James!" She chimed as she walked by her manager's office.

James didn't look up from his computer, but he waved and muttered: "morning." From the looks of it, he might have been there since the day before.

Out front Miles greeted her. "Good morning!"

She smiled. "Morning!"

Holland was for once grateful for a busy shift. It was nice to get her mind on something else.

The day seemed busier than normal, even Miles had to come out front to help for a bit before heading to the back to wash up the dishes and cook whatever was on the menu for the day.

"Half-caf, no foam, sugar-free, large, cupcake latte, please?" A tall guy with messy purple hair and a Denki Kaminari hoodie ordered.

"You got it, name?" Holland asked.

"Pikachu," he said with a yawn.

As Holland got the right sized cup, she took the sharpie and wrote "Shinsou" on it as she made sure he didn't see the name. She added a cat paw print for good measure.

Holland always loved when she got people like this. It was fun when people gave names of fandoms or things along those lines.

She would always try and write something extra on their cups along with making them look extra fancy.

"Here ya go," she set the cup on the counter and moved onto the next customer.


It was around eleven by the time Holland rushed to her classes. The buildings for the med students were all mushed together.

The college had multiple courses she could take and for the most part, they tried to keep all of them together so the students didn't have to walk across campus just to go to one class and walk back to the other side to go to a different class.

This class was not her favorite and frankly, the teacher was a bit intimidating. She almost reminded Holland of Gloria Akalitus from Nurse Jackie.

Holland knew the woman had her moments where she was nice, however, most of the time she was straight to the lesson and glaring most of the time.

It didn't help that Holland was handing in an essay for the class. She set her paper on her desk as she walked up and took her normal seat near the front row. It was off to the side enough that she wasn't sure if it was the front row or second.

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