Chat Blanc

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A/n: IT IS TIME for the hardest episode I've ever planned evvvvvvvvvvvver. You have no idea how hard this was to plan, seriously. Imma just do a quick walk-through on my rewrites process and why it takes so long for me to make some of them.

First I watch the episode to get a feel for it, then I watch it again while taking light notes, then I make the notes more detailed to what I want to happen (not even considering the super sons yet), I then have to figure out how to shove two characters into that episode, I find plot points that can be stretched and throw the boys in there, finally I flesh it out into the stories that you guys read. Each full rewrite takes about three hours based on the episode.

Here we go

Marinette marched up to Jon and dragged him out of the room.

"What was that for?" Jon asked curious but not upset.

"I need your help telling Damian I like him, since he's out of Paris right now," Marinette said handing her cousin a gift.

"Just wait for him to come back," Jon said going to hand her the gift back but she pushed it back into his hands turning bright red.

"If you don't take this and do it you know that I will never try to tell him again, I'm feeling brave today so please, break the sound barrier and give him the gift before I end up alone with three cats," Marinette begged on her knees in front of Jon who just patted the top of her head.

"Consider it done, I just have to go see Adrien before I go, I promised I'd spend some time with him and I'm late, I'm not giving this back," Jon said vrooming off to Adrien's house.

"Hey," Adrien said as his boyfriend stepped into his room via window he saw Jon put something down.

"I gotta pee, I'll be back," Jon said running into the bathroom. Adrien looked at the package it wasn't signed but it just said: I love you Damian I always have, ever since we first met. Did Jon not love him anymore?

Marinette was minding her own business transformed on a rooftop so she couldn't bite her nails anymore until Bunnix came out a burrow and pulled her in.

"No time to explain Minibug but I need you to fight a certain someone," Bunnix said with a serious tone pushing her through the other side where a white Chat Noir stood crying in front of a pile of ash on a building surrounded by water.

"Oh my God," Ladybug said.

"Ladybug, you can fix everything, you can fix him," Chat said the gray ash falling from between his fingers as he went to hug her.

"What happened here Chat?" Ladybug asked looking at who was once probably a person on the floor in front of her.

"We had a fight, I didn't mean to do it, I loved him you know I did. He wanted someone else though."

In the burrow Bunnix went through realities trying to see what was wrong.

"You don't love me anymore do you?" Adrien asked as Jon walked out of the bathroom.

"Of course I do, why would you think otherwise?" Jon asked getting closer to Adrien.

"You don't love me Jon, you love Damian!" Adrien yelled making Jon flinch.

"No, I don't he's my best friend and you know Marinette likes him," Jon said arms crossed protecting himself from Adrien the only way he knew how.

"But you could be so much better than her, you know what, we're done," Adrien said face heated and he transformed.

"It was a present that he was going to give Damian he said he loved him," Chat Blanc said tears rolling down his face.

"A present, that was my present that I asked him to deliver," Ladybug said and Chat growled.

"It's your fault that we fell apart then, it's all your fault!" Chat screamed his fist glowing white.

"Chat no!"

Bunnix frowned at what was in front of her.

"Adrien wait!" Jon called out flying after him but he was too late. Chat Noir was now Chat Blanc.

"You broke my heart Jon," Chat said aiming his cataclysm at him before firing turning his boyfriend to dust he then fell to his knees holding the dust close to him sobbing sending another cataclysm to the moon breaking off a bit and water rose.

"No, this isn't how I remember it," Bunnix cried out she remembered their daughter Sophie and being at their wedding.

"Let me help you Chat! We can get him back!" Ladybug said swinging her yoyo at him breaking the bell around his costume akuma coming out. "That was lucky," Ladybug said taking a deep breath. "Speaking of lucky, lucky charm!" she called out and then captured the akuma.

"What happened?" Chat asked. "What is this?" Chat added looking at the dust on the ground.

"You won't have to worry about that I promise," Ladybug said biting her lip.

Bunnix came back through the hole and dragged Ladybug through it. "I know when we need to go, it's right before I give Jon the gift to give to Damian and he goes over to Adrien's, Adrien must have seen the note," Ladybug said.

"You always did make a good detective Minibug," Bunnix laughed before pushing her through the right hole.

"You know who I am don't you?" Ladybug asked looking back.

"There was a reason you picked me so let me give you some advice, the best kept secrets are the ones you never share, don't tell them what happened, it will break everything," Bunnix said with a hand on Ladybug's shoulder.

"Of course."

Ladybug swung by and took the gift from past Marinette. "You have to trust me I'm you from ten minutes in the future and if we give this to him everything goes to hell," Ladybug said and Marinette nodded. "Thank God." Ladybug threw the miraculous up in the air and she was sitting back on the roof. "Jon." Ladybug raced to Adrien's house and saw Jon laying on the bed back against Adrien's chest and the blond played with the raven's hair. "I did it."

Miraculous Rewritten Season 3Where stories live. Discover now