Chapter Twelve- Busted

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When we finally made it home, it was like being interrogated by the C.I.A for being some kind of Russian spy. I ignored too many questions and trudged my way to my room. It seemed as if my life lately consisted of me constantly explaining things to people. At first, I didn't have a problem with it, but it was my life. There should've been a fine line telling people when they had crossed it. Don't get me wrong, I loved my pack, but I hated wearing my life story on my sleeve. I still wanted at least an ounce of privacy.

I stripped off the irritating black gown that clung to my skin, and walked into the restroom, turning on the shower. I felt instantly rejuvenated when the hot liquid coursed onto my skin. I let the tears fall helplessly down my eyes as I massaged a bar of soap against my skin. I hated crying, it made me feel like a weak person. And, lately, all I've been doing was crying. After a quick bath, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry myself off, and then slipped into my bathrobe. My wet hair lay in wavy tresses and I picked up a brush and combed through it gently.

After combing all of the tangles out of my hair, I walked out of my bathroom and into my closet to scan through my nighties. "Here put these on," a voice said from behind me. I turned around and nearly died of a heart attack.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed. He let out a low chuckle and tossed a bundle of my clothes at me.

"I told you we'd meet again."

"So you chose this moment to show up? Look, I'm not in the mood to listen to any of your Eternal shit. I have a headache and it has been a royally long day. Leave please," I whispered.

"I just thought you would want to know more about your kind. Not to mention I couldn't resist seeing you in that sexy little bathrobe," he joked, his accent sending a tingle up my spine. "But if you want me to leave--"

"No, wait," I began. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him, but this would probably be the only time I get answers. "Let me change and I'll be right out. Just promise me you won't go roaming around trying to eat anyone in my pack." He scoffed at me.

"Sorry to disappoint love, but I haven't much of a taste for dogs."

I sneered at him and walked into the bathroom, instantly closing and locking the door behind me. I hadn't expected to see Mr. Unknown so soon, but I had to admit I didn't actually want him to leave. A part of me was hoping that we'd have another kiss. I knew I was being pathetic. Especially seeing as I had Sam. It was just different with Mr. Unknown. He kissed me as if his life depended on it. Sam had begun to get on my nerves with his behavior lately. It seemed like all he cared about was trying to keep Leo away from me and I just hadn't been feeling a spark with him as much as I used to. If anything it felt as if he was a bump in the road that I had to overcome.

I had been putting these feelings towards him off, but I knew it was only a matter of time before we'd have to talk. I loved Sam and I knew that I would always be safe with him. But, that's all he offered me, security. He never did anything spontaneous and everything with the both of us felt scripted. Wake up, have breakfast, go out for lunch, sit in silence, come home and avoid each other. He either goes out on Pack business or I'm training the pack. On the off chance that the day turns out differently, it's due to the fact that we've gotten into an argument and he's busting his ass to make up for it. Don't get me wrong, I love that about him. But, he didn't challenge me. He was pretty much a pushover when it comes to me.

With Leo, it was different. Even though I was convinced that I hated his guts, he still made hating him so much fun with his witty comebacks. Sometimes he was unpredictable and deep down, that's what I wanted. No, I didn't want Leo, but someone unpredictable. Someone who made life fun. Someone who wasn't an open book--someone completely different from Sam. As for Mr. Unknown, I wasn't convinced that I actually liked him per-say. It was the mystery around his exterior that I was drooling about. Come on, how many random strangers turn you into an Eternal for no reason and then confess their undying love for you right before they engulf you into a world spinning kiss? I was dying to know what was up with him, to say the least. I desperately wanted him to be a good guy deep down, and I couldn't help but feel certain a pull around him, but he was a mystery; one that I was sure to crack.

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