Why are my friends on the menu?

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Winter stared at the glass door, where she could see her reflection. She was not used to it because Levana forbid any surface that reflected one's features. But now, Winter looked at the beautiful girl with dark skin wearing a simple tan dress that stopped at her knees with spaghetti straps and a gold necklace. In the reflection, the girl reminded Winter of her visions, like her mind was playing a trick on her and this person wasn't real. But this person was Winter Hayle-Blackburn, and she was Winter Hayle-Blackburn, so they had to be the same person. She smiled, and the girl copied her. Winter gasped and began to shake her head, and she watched her back curls in the reflection bounce all over her face. It looked funny. 

Laughing, she turned around and remembered that she outside the little place where Jacin and Winter had decided to stop. The sun shone on her face, and she squinted against it. Jacin said he would park the hover, and he said that he would be quick. It was taking a little longer than Winter expected, but she could wait. 

Winter stepped out of the way when a laughing couple went in the reflective door and barely noticed Winter. A whiff of fried food came out of the door as the couple went in, leaving Winter to daydream about the wonderful delicacies that might be inside. The couple reminded her of Kai-friend and Selene whenever they met up. They always go in their little bubble and forget the world, to which Winter could easily relate. 

"Hey, Trouble, you didn't cause any trouble while I was gone, right?" Jacin put a hand on her back and smiled at her.

"I don't think so. Hey, look, I have a copycat!" Jacin furrowed his brow and went to open the door for her, but she stopped him and motioned towards the reflective door. He jumped and then laughed.

"Oh, stars, I forgot that there are reflections on Earth, for a second," he said while trying to open the door for Winter a second time. She let him, "Did you forget too?"

"Yes. I did. Anyways, why are we here again?"

"We are here to get food for our lazy friends that ate all the food last night." 

"Okay. Can I get something?" Winter daydreamed again about the food inside, and her mouth began to water.

"Um, that's what we're here for. To get everything something."

"Okay." They finally walked inside after stalling a bit, and loud chatter welcomed them.

"Hello. Hello, how are you? Hi. Hello." Winter greeted everyone she passed. Some said greeted her back while others gaped at her. It was not an unfamiliar reaction to one meeting her. 

"You know, you don't have to say hello to everyone you pass, Princess."

"I know. I am merely being polite. And I told you to stop calling me 'princess'; I am an ambassador now." Winter huffed.

"Okay, I'll stop. So what do you think the others would want to eat?" Winter glanced up to see that Jacin was looking upwards. She looked up as well and saw many words listed on a screen with food next to them. She gasped and began to read it. 

"So many options- wait a minute. Why- why are my friends on the menu?" Winter furrowed her brow and briefly wondered if her friends were being chopped up and served to strangers. She shivered and shook the image from her head. Jacin snorted.

"Look, there is a Captain Thorne drink. Ha, and an Emperor Kaito meal. Ha! Cinder would love that." He broke down in laughter, and Winter joined him. This was indeed quite funny. There was a Selene special that included a burger with extra bacon and cheese for an entree. A Crescent Moon blueberry pie that looked like a tasty dessert. Wolf nuggets for a side with a brand-new Scarlet condiment. Ooh, and there's Jacin-Sauce. And finally, a Winter frosty with whipped cream topped with a cherry.  

"We should buy our friends for our friends," Winter said to Jacin seriously.

"Absolutely." It was finally their turn, and they walked up to the register. 

"Hi, welcome to McLola's; how may I help you?"


"Hey, Trouble." Winter whipped her head around to see Jacin looking at her weirdly. They were still inside the hover parked near the Rampionwhere her friends were waiting on the food.

"Yes, Jacin-love?" His lipped twitched when Winter said his name. He looked down at all the food she was carrying and smiled.

"You know, if you were a food, you'd be my least favorite."

"And why is that?"

"Because I don't like ice cream." Winter gasped and placed a hand to her heart.

"What kind of monster are you?" He shrugged and opened the door. 

"One that doesn't like ice cream." He went around the car and opened the door for Winter, who was struggling with the food. Jacin grabbed some of the food while she stared into his blue-gray eyes. His beautiful blue-gray eyes that one could just get lost in forever.

"Your eyes are very pretty." He looked up at her and hit his head on the hover frame. Winter burst out laughing as he cursed, dropping the food onto her lap to rub his head.

"Well, um, your eyes are pretty too, sometimes." And with that, she kissed him, her hand caressing his cheek while he dug a hand in her hand. And they stayed there kissing for who knows how long until a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Hey, guys! Stop making out for a second so we can get our food. I'm hungry!" Thorne whined from the ramp of the Rampion. Jacin pulled away and turned to glare at Thorne, "Sorry, continue on. But I'm still hungry." The cadet-captain walked back inside, leaving the ramp down. Jacin sighed.

"Well, you got us into to trouble, Trouble." He smiled at her.

"Sorry, but not really," she handed him a bag and a drink carrier, "here, you take these, and I'll take the rest."

"You know that I love you, princess."

"What did I say about calling me that. And I know because you wouldn't kiss me for that long if you didn't" Jacin helped Winter out of the car and led her towards the spaceship.

"I probably would." He interrupted.

"I'm not finished. You did because you love me, and I love you." She smiled and pecked him on the lips.

"Most guys probably would."

"I would push them away, but I allowed you to kiss me because I love you. It's simple logic."

"Whatever you say, princess." She pushed him gently once, causing him to push back gently.

"I think you mean ambassador."

"Whatever you say, ambassador." Jacin rolled his eyes.

"Much better."

They walked inside the Rampion and ate their friends with their friends. Crescent choked on her pie once and then watered it down. It was after everyone knew that she was okay that the choking was caused by extreme laughter.

In the end, everyone enjoyed eating themselves, and they all ate happily ever after.

I know it's past twelve. I KNOW that I should be sleeping, but let's be honest, are any of you reading this during the middle of the day. Publishing stories are like the same. Anyways, sorry I took so long; I needed some inspo for this one (and I got it from McDonald's, obviously). 

Anyways, I hope that you guys are safe and that life treats you right and stuff like that (I'm exhausted, and I cannot think right now.)

Love, Angie

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