Chapter Three

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The snow hits hard at Winterfell (the heart of the North). Gushes of wind blow particles everywhere, this way and that. All that can be seen is immediately swept up in the wind. Except for a small fire. It looks like all but a spark in the sky, but on land, it's a funeral lighting.

Sansa Stark stands at the front of a crowd. Her long red hair is practically white now due to the snow falling. She stands still, emotionless, or rather just trying to keep it in. She never cared too much about Jon Snow when she was a girl. He was a bastard whom her mother hated. She had to hate him too, right? She contemplates their relationship, regretting every minute of her childhood. He was her brother. No matter what. And now he's gone.

She feels a gentle hand on her back, yet chills still run through her body. It's Arya Stark, her murderous younger sister. She didn't even hear her approach. Sansa usually tries to hide her discomfort. Put on a smile. They were bad men. Arya did what it took to survive. She tells herself. But the thought of her sister killing someone still doesn't sit well.

"You loved him," Arya says quietly. It's as if she knew exactly what her sister was thinking. Arya loved Jon; he was easily her favorite brother if she had to choose. Before Jon left for the Night's Watch, he had given Arya a sword. A small, thin sword - like a needle. "Needle" has gotten Arya through so much. After the death of their father, Eddard 'Ned' Stark, Arya fled King's Landing and set out on a journey of her own. This led to her living among many famous killers and soon her turn to take life. Her training sharpened her skill as well as her mind, allowing her to truly become No One. "It's time," she says, handing Sansa a fire-lit torch.

As the new Queen of the North, it was fitting for Sansa to be the one to light the former king. 100 fallen men were collected on the outskirts of the North, closest to the Wall. Surely there were more but they've risen and become part of the Army of the Dead now. Winter is coming. No, winter is here. Slowly, Sansa walks towards the pyre where Jon's body lays. There are many more that line the entrance of Winterfell. She looks at Jon's corpse. She lightly kisses his forehead and then lights it on fire.

After the lighting, Sansa returns to her quarters. She closes the door, sits on the bed, and lets herself cry. She's nearly melted when she hears a knock on the door. She sits up and wipes her eyes. "Come in," she manages to breathe.

Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish opens the door and walks in. "My sweet Sansa," he says walking up to her. "How are you?" he asks, helping her wipe her tears.

"My brother is dead," Sansa replies, not looking at him, "and my sister is a killer." She stands up and takes a deep breath, trying to appear alright. She looks out the window and changes the subject. "Is there something I can do for you, Lord Baelish?" she asks.

Littlefinger disregards Sansa's question. "Are you scared of her?" he asks.

Sansa turns around. "What do you mean?"

"Are you scared of Arya?" Littlefinger repeats. "What she has become."

She sighs. "Of course I am," she says. "Did you know she confronted me earlier this week? She believes I conspired with the Lannisters to get Rob killed. She's a Faceless Man now. Do you know what that is?" She sighs. "I don't know her anymore."

"Sometimes, when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game," Littlefinger starts. "I assume the worst. What's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say, or doing what they do? Then I ask myself, 'how well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?'" he explains, "So tell me, what's the worst thing she could want?" (Game of Thrones).

Sansa thinks. It doesn't take her too long to come up with an answer. "She could want me dead because she thinks I wronged my family,"(Game of Thrones).

"Why did she come to Winterfell?"(Game of Thrones).

"To kill me for marrying our enemies and betraying our family,"(Game of Thrones).

"Why did she unearth the letter Cersei made you write?"(Game of Thrones).

"To provide proof of my betrayals. To provide justification after she murders me,"(Game of Thrones).

"And after she murders you, what does she become?"(Game of Thrones).

"Lady of Winterfell... and Queen of the North,"(Game of Thrones).

Littlefinger looks at her one last time and then walks out. Once he's gone, Sansa takes a seat and thinks about their conversation. It is a lot to process. 'How well does that reason explain what they say and what they do? ' she thinks. 'Arya would kill me for betraying our family... but I am family. Would she kill me? What does killing me get her? Ladyship? Arya never wanted to be a Lady.' Sansa was feeling much better. Arya would not kill her sister. But one thing still did not sit right.

She decides to play the game again. What's the worst thing Littlefinger could want? Sansa knew the answer to that. He had revealed it before he sold her off to Ramsay Bolton. He wants to sit on the Iron Throne. With her by his side. Why did he come to Winterfell? He came to pursue her and to build Sansa's trust so a Stark would back his claim to the throne. Why did he show me the game? To drive a wedge between her and Arya. And after I leave Arya, what will he have? He will have her to himself to do anything with.

Sansa is shocked. She gets up to warn Arya. She turns the corner to be stopped there. "My Lady," Maester Samwell Tarly says. "I don't mean to bother you. A raven came." He hands her the note.

Lady Stark of Winterfell,

I hope this raven finds you in good health. To support your efforts to protect the North from what's to come, I have sent a small battalion of Unsullied your way. They will fight for you in my name until I myself may come with my dragons. In King's Landing, I will unite the great houses and together, we will defend the North. I am terribly sorry for the death of your brother, Jon Snow. He was a good man. I look forward to meeting you. The Starks have been loyal to House Targaryen for centuries. I hope it stays that way.

Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen

"Thank you, Sam," she says, handing him back the note. She strides off to see Arya. "The North remembers..." Sansa mutters under her breath.

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