Consequences or not....

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  The punishment given to Jieun was supposed to be getting her a babysitter but they figured they shouldn't do it as the babysitter could be a STAY.

  "I hate my punishment," Byeol complained, her punishment was no play dates with Jieun for a month. You might think that is very easy but no it's not to Byeol. "What's yours?"

  Jieun lifted her head which was buried inside the book she was reading. Smiling happily, she told Byeol, "Reading books and writing reviews about them."

  Here's the thing, Chan had set up the punishment for Jieun (well thinking it was one) so that she would spend her time reading instead of spoiling songs.

  What Chan didn't know was that Jieun was obsessed with books. Previously, her mum had gotten her a room filled with books. She read books that aren't and are the level for kids her age.

  "Luckyy, you get to do things you enjoy for a punishment," Byeol commented and Jieun giggled, continuing her book.

  Kindergarten went on like always and it was time for dismissal, Byeoleun said goodbye to each other and went to their respective cars.

  "Where are we going appa? This isn't the direction to go home or the company?" Jieun asked, she had memorized a ton of directions on car rides as she couldn't read or she would get car sick.

  "We're moving princess. You get to see your new empty room and we'll go shopping," Minho told Jieun who's eyes lit up. She already had plans.

  When they had arrived, Jieun saw that it wasn't an apartment but a nice looking house. Their team at JYP had decided to move them to a house and install a studio and dance studio for them so they could practice at home and stay closer to Jieun. The house was closer to the company than their previous apartment.

  Jieun could see the other members arguing over which room they wanted, when the members saw Jieun, they quickly stopped arguing and showed Jieun to her room.

  Jieun took out her notebook and wrote down things to buy for her new room, she was going to design her dream room.

  "Jenjen, have you read the book like I told you to?" Chan asked, he had found a series of books suited for her age to read for her.

  "They're boring..." Jieun commented, she preferred mystery and action books instead of fairytales.

  Jieun proceeded to show Chan the design she had made for her room. She had planned for a bookshelf against the wall and her bed on top of the bookshelf. She had drawn the wall below the window to be painted with the chalk board paint so that she could use it as a chalk board. A study table was placed opposite the book shelf and a closet was placed closed to the bathroom.

  "We can get the books from my old place! Mum had brought a lot of books for me last time," Jieun said, missing her mum quite a bit. Chan looked at the plan once more, it looked possible and with the time given it would definitely be possible.

  The group had planned to move into the new house after their district 9 tour in the states. Speaking about the tour... "I can't follow?" Jieun asked sadly, the members nodded. One she had school, two it would be hard to bring a 6 turning 7 year old girl on a world tour.

  "Don't worry, we have people to take care of you okay? We won't be gone long,"  Changbin said, giving Jieun a big hug. She liked Changbin's hugs the best.

  "Let's get rid of this negetive energy and go shopping shall we?" Jisung suggested, they all agreed. After a round of the sunshine twins cheer up, everyone was back to their cheerful selves.

✎ edited 25/06/2021

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