Part 28

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Conrad is already tired two weeks into her job.

She's over it.

Charlotte went home last week, after a week of getting to know her mate, promising to come back every weekend she could until she was able to secure a transfer, which Conrad was attempting to help her with.

Jeanne was still being weird with her since they had their disagreement over making fun of Meg, so Conrad felt slightly isolated.

She had become pretty friendly with everyone in the office, especially Aaron and Scarlet, the two trackers.

They had gone out together the week before, and got absolutely smashed.

They had all regretted it the next morning, but they enjoyed it before then.

"Do you have the files for the interviews?" Carlos asks, swinging into her office abruptly.

He scares the shit out of her for a minute, and her heart is in her throat with fear until she recognises him.

"Yeah. They're on the table over there," Conrad mumbles, opening one of her eyes to stare at him.

"Are you okay?" He questions, furrowing his brow as he walks towards her.

She sniffs the air absently, able to scent some coffee.

He notices the sniffing and slides her his mostly-full mug of coffee, a frown on his face as he examines her closely.

"Yeah. I stayed up way too late organising my work," she mutters, straightening up and forcing her eyes to open wider.

She's half-asleep, and there's no denying that.

"Hey, did you sleep at all?" He wonders, walking around to her side of the desk and then squatting down beside her.

"I think I got two hours," she whispers, covering a massive yawn.

"Go back to bed," he exclaims, a look of alarm on his face.

"It's too far," she murmurs, leaning on her hand.

She can't even fake being awake; she's had around five hours of sleep in the last three days.

"Go to mine," he orders, hauling her out of her seat.

Conrad stares up at him, an expression of confusion on her face.

"No, I'm serious. It's three minutes from here; I'll walk you there," he frowns, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I'm fine; I can walk by myself. I'll go back to my hotel," she mumbles, and he stares at her.

"That's fifteen minutes away. Just take the offer, please," he pleads, walking her to the door.

He kicks it open with his foot, the loud noise drawing some of the other workers' attention.

"Is she okay, boss?" Scarlet calls up, and Conrad gives her a small smile.

"She's exhausted; I'm taking her to the hospital wing," Carlos shouts back, and Conrad frowns.

"I'm not actually, but I'm not telling them I'm taking you to my house; they'll take it wrong," he mutters, stepping onto the first step.

Her legs shake a little as she steps down, and Carlos shakes his head, scooping her up.

Jane is knocked out, having taken the hit of exhaustion for the past few days.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Scarlet asks, meeting them at the bottom of the stairs with a look of concern on his face.

Conrad rests her head against Carlos' chest, enjoying the heat from his body.

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