Chapter 2 Ariel's secret form

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It's been a week since I was training with the others. Nobody knows that I have a wolf side, not even my siblings. I don't exactly know how I got my wolf form or if I've always had it. The next day I was training with Jayden when the gap sensor went off. "You're ready for your first nighlok battle?" Jayden asked. "Oh, I was born ready." I said.

We ran out of the shiba house and ran into a nighlok named Scorpiotic. "Don't attack them so quickly, they'll squeal more if you corner them slowly. It's more fun." Scorpiotic said. "Stop right there nighlok." I said. "Rangers together, samurai forever!" We all said. "Rangers, I have a present for you." Scorpiotic said before using a move called whirlwind scyth attack. We got badly hurt from it. "That's it! You're going down right now!" I shouted as I turned into a wolf. "Whoa, what just happened to her?" Jayden asked. "I don't know." Emily said. After I took down the nighlok by myself I turned back into a human. That's when I finally knew that I have always had the wolf form. It turns out that I am half power ranger and half werewolf. When I am not in my ranger form I am just a regular human. We went back to the shiba house. When we got back Jayden wanted to talk to me alone so the others go inside while Jayden and I stayed outside so that we could talk. "Did you know about this form?" Jayden said. "I didn't even know that I had this form until just now." I said. "Lauren doesn't know about this, does she?" Jayden asked. "She doesn't know, and I don't think that I want her to know." I said. "Okay, just don't try to lose control of it." Jayden said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "What I mean is don't let it come out at random times and if it does things can go downhill." Jayden said. "I'm still not getting what you're saying. Give me an example." I said. "Like you attacking us once you turn into a wolf." Jayden said. "Oh, okay. Now I get what you are saying." I said. Then we went into the house. Later that night I went into my room and John walked in after me. "So, why did you want to talk to me in your room?" John asked. "I have a secret to tell you. First, promise me that you won't tell Lauren this." I said. "I promise." John said. "Okay, John, I can turn into a wolf." I said. "What? Seriously?" John asked. "Yeah, but I don't know if I can control it or not. I think that I can control it but..." I said. "But what?" John asked. "Well, what if I can't? I mean, it only came out one time. Only when I got mad in my first nighlok battle." I said. Then John walked out of my room. Then I went to bed for the night. The next morning Jayden and I were talking. "So, you told John about your wolf form. And Lauren still doesn't know." Jayden said. "I just hope that you, the other rangers, and John can keep it a secret." I said. "Ariel, I am kinda worried about this. What if she finds out?" Jayden asked. "Don't worry, as long as you guys keep it a secret from her she won't find out." I said. The next day I went to the local park with Lauren. I wanted to spend some time with her. I told her that I couldn't stop thinking about mom and dad. "Look, Ariel, I know that you miss them but I miss them too." Lauren said. "I just wish that I could have gotten to know mom before she died." I said with tears starting to form in my eyes. Lauren hugged me. "I know, I know." Lauren said. Later that night I am sleeping and my dad comes to me in my dream. "Hey kiddo." Stephen said. "Dad." I said as I ran up to him and hugged him. "How are you?" He asked. "I guess I'm doing just fine." I said. "How are Jayden and Lauren? Are they being nice to you?" Stephen said. I nodded. Then I proceeded to tell him that ever since he died they have been nice to me, that they didn't blame me for his death. They blamed Master Xandred. Of course, it's always the nighloks that have to be blamed. I continued by saying that they were also nice to me when mom died. They never really did anything bad to me. My dad tells me that they have been nice to me ever since the day I was born. I knew that my dad was right. The next morning I went out for a run. When I got to the park in town I decided to take a break. I saw my old childhood friend Kira. "Hey Kira, long time no see." I said. "You know, we haven't seen each other since preschool." Kira said. "Yeah, I know. So, what have you been up to since the last time I saw you?" I asked. "Oh, you know, working on my music career and stuff." Kira said. "Music career?" I asked. "Yeah, I play the guitar and sing. I usually hang out at Hayley's cyberspace cafe in town. That's where I do most of my performances." Kira said. "That's cool, you always have liked to sing but I didn't know about the whole guitar thing." I said. I always knew that Kira loved to sing. She's a great singer, and she's really good at playing the guitar. I only saw her play the guitar once and I haven't seen her play it since then. The last time I saw her play the guitar was at Hayley's cyberspace cafe at one of her performances and she didn't even know that I was there. I talked to Kira for about two hours then I went back home. Later that day Jayden was training with the others. I was watching them as they were training.

When Kevin's pants fell down everyone was laughing, even me. Then Emily noticed that Mike was no longer around. "Hey, where did Mike go?" Emily asked. "I don't know." I said. "Well, he's not here." Mia said. Then the gap sensor goes off. We ran into Rofer and fought him. Jayden and I helped Mike to take him down the second time we fought him.

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