Chapter 1 Ariel's past

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One day I was training with the other rangers. I was happy that Jayden decided that it was time for me to help them in nighlok battles. It wasn't always like that. I remember when Jayden had to assemble a new team of rangers but he really didn't want to. I talked him into it.

When he got back with Mentor Ji I walked up to him. "How did the first battle with the moggers go?" I asked. "There were only a few of them. I'm used to fighting alone. I don't want to put anyone else in danger, including you." Jayden said. "But what if you die?" I asked. "I haven't thought about that." Jayden said. "The nighlok attacks are escalating. More and more of them are coming across to do their evil." I said. "Sure and if any more moggers dare pay us a visit then they're going to get a taste of my spin sword." Jayden said. "Don't underestimate the power of Master Xandred if he awakens. His nighlok legions are too much for one person, even one as strong as you. Teams of samurai have battled this evil for centuries." I said. "I'm really supposed to lead a team?" Jayden asked. "It's what your training has prepared you for. There are four others who are awaiting the call, to join you in the fight against the nighloks." I said. "I understand, I'll do whatever it takes." Jayden said as we walked into the house. The next day,

I went with Jayden. We walked outside and he drew the symbol for horse. Then we got on his horse. "Hold on, I like to go fast." Jayden said. I wrapped my arms around his waist. Then we went to go meet the others. The others were wondering who I was. "Guys, this is my little sister, Ariel. She is usually shy when meeting new people." Jayden said. When we got back I went inside the house to talk to my boyfriend and my sister. They were training with each other when I walked up to them. "How are you guys doing today?" I asked. "We're doing just fine." Lauren said. "Yeah, we're doing okay." John said. "Okay, well, there's a new team of rangers." I said. Later that night I was outside looking up at the stars when Jayden came out and sat down beside me. "Hey, are you okay?" Jayden asked. "I was just thinking about something." I said. "What were you thinking about?" Jayden asked. "I was thinking about mom and dad." I said. "Ariel, mom died when you were just a baby. The reason why I didn't tell you was because I was just trying to save you from the pain of losing her. When dad told me and Lauren that mom died he wanted me to wait until you were older to tell you." Jayden said. "Oh, I didn't know that." I said. "When you were three years old dad died." Jayden said. "I know. I just miss them so much. I got to know dad but I barely got to know mom. I hardly knew her before she passed." I said before I started to cry. Jayden hugs me. "I know, but I just want to say that mom loved you so much. Mom and dad called you their little princess. They didn't want anything bad to happen to you." Jayden said. The next day I went to the mall with the rangers. We noticed that Emily wasn't with us so we decided to split up to look for her. One hour later we all met with each other. "Any sign of Emily?" Mia asked. "No, Kevin, did you find any signs of Emily?" I asked. "No." Kevin said. "Mike, how about you?" Mia asked as Mike walked up to us. "How about what?" Mike asked. "About Emily. Were you even looking for her?" Kevin asked. "Yeah but I got hungry." Mike said. "Typical." I said under my breath. "Emily probably went out sightseeing or shopping or something. I'm sure she's okay." Mike said. "I don't know, she's a country girl. She wouldn't wander around the city by herself." Mia said. "Want a bite?" Mike asked while holding a stick with meat on it to Kevin. "No thanks. I never snack between meals while I'm a samurai in training." Kevin said. "When are you in training?" Mike asked. "Never." Kevin said. "Wow, you're really serious about the samurai lifestyle." Mia said. "Of course. Aren't you?" Kevin asked. "Yes, but I also want to have a normal life. You know, find my prince charming someday. I'm getting used to the idea that now I'm a samurai but, it's a little scary." Mia said. "Well, it's a big adjustment. You'll get used to it." Kevin said. "What about you? I heard that you left your dream of swimming in the olympics to be here Kevin. Don't you miss it?" Mia asked. "No, when a samurai decides to serve, he is committed, forever." Kevin said. "Wow, forever? That's a long time to go without a snack." Mike said. "Guys, look, there she is." I said. Emily was training by herself. We walk up to her. "Emily." Mia said. "You've been training all by yourself?" Mike asked. "Yes, the dedication of a samurai." Kevin said. "It's not just that. I promised my big sister to work hard so that I can be as good as a fighter as the rest of you." Emily said. "Your big sister?" Kevin asked. Then Emily pulls out her sister's flute from her back pocket. "My big sister was supposed to become the yellow ranger but she got sick. I had to take her place." Emily said. "Wow, that's a lot to ask of you." Mike said. "It's been tougher to see her go through her illness. And anyways, I wasn't a superstar at school." Emily said. "Don't sell yourself short." Mia said. "Oh, I do have talents. I'm really good at playing the flute and I can definitely handle a sword so becoming a power ranger is a fresh start for me." Emily said. "Did you hear that? She has the heart of a true samurai warrior." Kevin said. "You've been training hard. You need this more than I do." Mike said while giving Emily his snack. The rangers and I became good friends but Emily became my best friend. It's been a month or so since then. I am just happy that I get to help my brother and my friends.

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