Mornings Together (boys only)

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"Good morning, beautiful," Robbie smiled as you slipped into the bathroom behind him. You smiled sleepily as you grabbed your toothbrush from beside his.

"Morning," You murmured. You looked at you as he tilted his head and spat out his toothpaste. You grimaced with a hint of a fond smile as it got all over his cheek from his position. He chuckled, leaning down to rinse his mouth as you started brushing your teeth.

"I was thinking a coffee run then the farmers market?" Robbie suggested as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Sounds domestic, I like it," you said over your toothbrush. Robbie huffed a laugh, gently kissing your shoulder before slipping out of the bathroom.


You rolled over onto your side and cuddled down into Beck's side with a sleepy grumble.

"Well good morning, sunshine," you could hear the smile in his voice, and while it made your stomach flutter, you were still more asleep than awake.

"M'sleeping," you grumbled.

"Then how are you talking to me?" He asked amusedly.

"Sleep talking," you mumbled against his chest.

"Well I can make you some coffee if you let me up," he said, brushing your hair off of your shoulder so he could kiss it.

"No, you're too comfy," you decided, wrapping your arms around his waist and cuddling further up his chest until you could bury your face in his neck. Beck chuckled, any arugment dying on his tongue as you kissed his jaw.

"Alright, five more minutes," he said.

"Ten," you argued.

"Fifteen," he countered with a soft smile.

"Twenty," you grumbled into his neck.


You woke up with a tired yawn slipping softly from your lips. The disorientation from sleep washed away quickly when your hand reached out and found nothing but empty bed. You sat up with a grunt, blinking tiredly as you exmained the empty room. Wrapping the blankets around your shoulders, you rolled off of the bed and shuffled out of the room, sliding agaisnt the smooth floors of the hallway into the kitchen. You could Andre had just worked out, he was still panting slightly and his chest was shining a bit with sweat.

You shuffled over to him as he was pouring protein powder into the blender. You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, cuddling between his back and your blanket.

"Good morning, princess," he greeted, a smile in his voice.

"Morning," you mumbled against his shoulder, content to lay against his back while he worked.

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