Jealous (Jade Imagine)

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Jade x reader + jealous tori

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend Y/n," Jade introduced with a proud smile, her hand resting on the small of your back. You gave a kind smile, waving at the group that you've heard so much about.

"It's nice to finally meet you," a boy with beautiful brunette hair says as he stands up from the couch.

"Let me guess, you're Beck?" You say with a smile as you shake his hand.

"Uh, yeah, how'd you guess?" He smiled.

"Jade tells me all about you all. You must be Cat," you gesture kindly at the redhead and she smiles brightly at you. "Robbie, Andre, and Tori," you gesture at each one of them respectively, but your voice gives away your knowledge of tori when you say her name. She smiles tightly, you can see the tension in her jaw when she raises an eyebrow in greeting.

"Jade talks about you all the time, I could probably pick you out of line up before even seeing your face," Andre said with a teasing smile thrown at Jade. She rolls her eyes as she guides you to the loveseat, pulling you half on top of her lap.

"It's really nice to finally meet you all, Jade talks so fondly of all of you. Aggressively fond but still fond," you said, trying to tamp down your nervousness with kind smiles.

"Aww, I knew you actually liked us," Robbie said.

"Shut up, puppet boy," Jade snipped, but Robbie only continued to smile, used to Jade's tone.

"How is Rex nowadays?" Cat asked, making the group laugh.

"Tucked away in the garage, thank you very much," Robbie rolled his eyes.

"I'm going out to smoke, anyone need one?" Tori asked as she stood from her seat, flicking her eyes at anyone but Y/n and Jade. No one took her up on the offer so she turned to leave with a tight nod. You looked down at jade but she just shook her head and gave you a reassuring smile.

"Do you want to talk to her?" You asked quietly.

"I don't need to," she shrugged.

"So, Y/n, how'd you and jade meet?" Beck asked with a smirk.

"You've heard this story, Beck," Jade said with a tight jaw.

"Not from her," Beck pointed out.

"I love this story," Cat laughed, propping her chin on her palm, waiting for Y/n to tell the story.

"Well, I was working at that coffee shop on campus, and jade came in all grumbling and looking like she would murder the next person who got too close to her," Y/n said with an amused smile, wrapping her arm around Jade's shoulders. "She ordered a black coffee and a scone but my coworker was so terrified of her that she gave her the wrong scone and spilled the coffee all over Jade's shirt. So, I pulled jade into the back room, gave her my extra shirt and let her drink her coffee back there with me."

"She was so sweet, I couldn't help but put the claws away," jade said, her hand running up and down your back.

"I can't believe out of all of us, Jade's the one who got a lifetime movie romance," cat said, rolling her eyes.

"I know, how unfair," Robbie shook his head.

"Eh, if anyone deserves it, jade does," Andre shrugged.

"True that," jade threw him an air high five that he returned with a chuckle.

"Let's move this party into the kitchen, I hear the oven timer," Cat said, standing up from the couch. You stood up from Jade's lap and followed behind Beck into the dining room.

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