o n e; c o n n o r

17 2 1

The wheels of my skateboard roll through the small town's centre as I look around for my bestfriend, Sophie. However, I see no one. The cigarette between my lips burned, with the smoke flying from my mouth and into the air. My music changes from Green Day to Fall Out Boy as I lean left. Suddenly, my wheels catch on the side of the pavement. I fly forward, landing on my ass and hitting my head! 

OW SHIT FUCK WOW OK...  I think. 

Still dazed, I roll onto my back and address my injuries. My foot hurts, but nothings broken, my fag burned a hole through my shirt and my bag spilled its contents on the floor. Fucking great. Stabbing my cigafag into the ground, I brush myself off and stand up properly. Quickly, I gather my things and swing my bag back around. Swiftly kicking my board into my hand, I turn to see the man who had been slowly approaching me for several minutes now. 

What the fuck?

Deep red blood drooled from his mouth, a deep cut ran from his right shoulder blade to his lower left side. Damn, should probably go to the fucking hospital, what does he even want? A high fucking five? His clothes were dirty and bloody and surprisingly nice looking. His arms reached out to me, the smell of rotten flesh wafted up my nose. He grabs me and launches himself towards me! Frantically, I try to push him away. Screaming as I do! OMG WAT THA FUCK MAN. His large yellow teeth, coated in thick red blood reach for my flesh! Finally, my instints kick in and I shove him away, swinging my skateboard back behind my head. Batter up! Suddenly, I swing my board swiftly right down to his face making a loud crack. HOME RUN! OMG... did I just.. kill him? man what the fuck did I just do? I spin on my heels and run, not anywhere particularly, but away. My head screams at me with panic. I think I just killed my biology teacher. My eyes search for Sophie. I need to get out of here now. 

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