t h r e e; c o n n o r

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"and thats how it was for us, man" Sophie concluded her side of the story. Solemly, she stared into the fire for some time. It was blatant that she was thinking about her mother. I was thinking about mine. It had been so long since I'd seen my parents... god knows where they are now. Probably dead. or even worse... I didn't wanna think about it, no, I couldnt, they couldn't be... they could be hollows for all you know.

"Well, Katie here, she came into the school, guns blazing. She shot down half the fucking school 'cause they were hollows man. Never seen a girl handle two auto pistols quite like that before man. Thats the shit you only see in movies." Jack nattered on as me and Sophie poked at the fire.

"Na dude, I shot most the school, you and Aura were smart enough too get out the way before I accidentally shot you two." Katie shook her head, her long brown hair tied in a messy bun atop her head shook with her. Modest man. Smoothly running her fingers through the guns, cleaning it, she whispered something to herself. It was something that rhymed with 'lover ducking dead pieces of it.' You're telling me.

"We're gonna die anyway at the end of the day, why prolong it? We are surrounded by fucking trees and in the trees are those things. We put a bullet in its skull, another one comes, we put one it that, another comes around. We are the minority and we are going to die. I've seen enough people get ripped apart already to know that." Aura started. She swore furiously, spitting at the ground at the end. She throws her knife at the ground and pulls a cigarette from a packet, lighting and taking a drag quickly.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine." Sophie spits back, rolling her eyes. Aura was never this synical befor, maybe she was tainted with dread and stripped of all hope. Oh c'mon Aura.

"I'm going to bed," I speak for the first time since we finished telling our stories. "No one leaves, takes anything or kills anything without everyone else alright." I finish as I enter my tent and zip it shut. For fucks sake.


"MOTHERFUCKER!" a familiar voice shouts with emergence. "Oi! CUNTFLAPS!" Sophie spits at me through the tents. The sound of her katana slicing through a hollow wakes me up fully. My hands grab my bow, I swing my quiver around my back and slip my gun underneath the waistband of my jeans.

Frantically, I burst out the tent and I'm greeted with a screaming sophie. ""DIE!"

Swiftly, she spins around slicing a hollow in half. Calmly, she wheels herself round on her heels and thrust her sword into the skull of one and twists the blade viciously. Damn gurl. Suddenly, a knife flies over her shoulder locking itself in between the eyes of another hollow. It came from Aura who launches another at one behind me.

"They're night-walkers!" I shout to the rest of our crew. Rapidly, I pull an arrow from my quiver and load my bow, three fingers pull the string back quickly. The arrow flies into the head of the night-walker, nailing it to the fucking tree. FUCKING SHOT!

Katie's automatics fire towards a crowd of the things racing towards us. "Holy shit." She mutters and reloads her guns. Swearing ridiculously, she shoots everywhere, killing about a dozen.

My gun now fires several bullets into the brains of about five different hollows. "Where the hell is Jack?" I shout above the gunfire.

"In the tents. Probably crying." screams Aura with rage. Crying out loud man, jesus fecking christ.

"We need to get out of here!" Sophie screams at me as I swoop down into one of the other tents.

"Get all the shit together man! We're going!" I shout at Jack, for fucks sake that pussy ass bitch through his fear, he does as I ask, fumbling for everything. "Hold them off for a little longer guys, then we can go!"

Skillfully, I fire several arrows into the nearest hollows. Reajusting my aim before firing another arrow, I grimace at one of them lying dead on the floor not too far away. It's body is mangled and ripped up, its arm is dangling off, barely attached. Both it's legs are missing and the other arm is burnt off. It still finds a way to try and climb to me. "I'm calling you a rotter, you little fuck." allowing the arrow from my bow slide suddenly into its brain letting it die.

"C'mon lets go!" Jack screams as he hauls the last of our things into the back of my pick up truck. Carefully, he twists the key in the ignition so its ready for me and climbs into the back. In a single quick motion, I swing my bow onto my back and sprint the front door of my car. Hauling myself into the front seat, I see Aura and Jack buckle up in the back seats and Sophie and Katy in the back of the pick up still firing at the hollows.

"WOO! BABY!" I scream as I hit my CD player, allowing ACDC's 'Highway To Hell' to blare through my speakers as I pull onto the highway. Ironic music thanks...

"I'm on tHE HIGHWAY TO HELLL!" We scream with smiles upon our faces rather than frowns. Since when was this normal man.

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