Chapter 11

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A/N: OMG. A Chapter. OMG. Thank you for your patience.


Anna leaned against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest just watching the others in the room. Stark was apparently on a call with the director of SHIELD trying to get them more information about the Siberian base. She could tell them where it was located but not how to get in or anything of the sort. Stark was hoping for some satellite imagery of the area.

Her gaze fell on the new arrivals huddled in the corner with Steve. When Tony said they needed reinforcements she hadn't anticipated him calling on actual gods. Okay, so they weren't really gods, but she'd always been slightly fascinated by Norse mythology. When the brothers were being discussed at Hydra, she'd always assumed Loki and Thor were code names. Her eyes shifted to the woman with them, Loki's wife Isolde. Their secret weapon. Or so Steve had said though he didn't explain further.

She straightened as Tony hurried into the room. "JARVIS, pull it up please."

Everyone moved over to the table as images appeared in the room around them. This was so cool. Steve motioned to the seat next to him and she slid into it, reaching over to grab his hand. She found herself needing to touch him when he was near. Too many years spent apart with nothing but Hydra's attentions.

Tony somehow moved the images around with nothing other than his hands until he found the one he wanted. He motioned and the image grew larger. "Okay. Thanks to Anna here we know the exact location of the base. After some prodding, Fury gave me access to satellite scans of the area. Nothing popped out at me until this."

"What is that?" Clint asked.

"It looks like a bunker entrance," Steve answered as he squeezed Anna's hand.

"Easy to overlook unless you know it's there," Tony agrees with a nod. He shifted his attention to Anna. "What do you know?"

She shook her head once and took a breath. "There are things I know and there are things that I can guess with some degree of accuracy. Unfortunately, it's not a lot."

"Anything is better than nothing," Stark said.

"Bucky is Hydra's version of Steve, but he's a weapon. Nothing more. They use him then they freeze him. When they have another task, they wake him. I can't tell you what his current status is though it wouldn't surprise me if they've thawed him to deal with you lot. You were really starting to get under their skin. If he's awake there will be fewer soldiers at the facilities. They've been stretched kind of thin lately. Also your fault."

"Nice to know we're actually having an impact. I was starting to wonder," Natasha said. The others made noises of agreement.

"He lost his left arm. Whether it happened in the fall or after, I'm not sure. They've replaced it with metal. Works just like the real thing only better. I'd avoid getting grabbed by that one if you can. The twins aren't used much in the field yet. They volunteered for the experiments after their mother was killed in a terrorist attack. They'll probably release them once we breach the facility. If you encounter the girl, remember everything you see should be called into question. She can manipulate thoughts, memories. Like I said, the soldiers are terrified of her."

"What do you mean when we breach the facility?" Tony asked. "You aren't doing anything. We appreciate the information but you're a nurse."

Steve sat up and Anna squeezed his hand to stave off his argument. She'd anticipated this.

"I'm the only that's ever been able to override Bucky's programming."

"That may be true. Answer's still no. We're already going in mostly blind. The last thing we need is another liability."

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