when enough is enough pt 6 - 10

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Chapter 6.

Her phone rang scaring us both. She's not a morning person either am I.

'hello?' she barely even had a voice. I turned and shut my eyes. Besides it wasn't my business.

'no. you didn't wake me. I'm just at Star's house.' I ignored it. I didn't want to make a big deal about it.

'not right now. Later. I'll be over later.'

'I love you too.' she hung up and pressed herself against me, kissing my cheek.

'Just at Star's house' repeated through my head. I finally snapped and got out of bed,


"Don't 'baby' me." I turned and walked into the hall.

"Star wait." she ran after me.

I didn't wait, I still walked on.

"Hunny come on."

"Fuck off." I said shaking my head.

"Star!" she grabbed my arm spinning me around. I had tears running down my face.

"Who was it? Who was on the ph-phone?" I didn't look straight at her.

She didn't answer. I looked at her.

"Fucking shit." I walked away.

"Star." I slammed the door and got in my car while tears are streaming down my face. She ran out and stopped as I backed out. I couldn't be there. I couldn't be anywhere.

I got to the park and went to my spot again, hugging my knees. Crying. Hurting, wanting to scream. I pulled my knees closer.

I pulled in my driveway two hours later, eyes red from crying. She was still there. I forced myself to get out of my car, slamming the car door. I opened the door. She was standing there.

"Where the fuck did you go?"

"Fuck off, Julie."



I walked up the stairs as she followed me. I slammed the door in her face.

"Star, come on."


"Baby girl"

I opened the door. "Don't give me that shit. If she means more to you then why are you with me? Huh? I'm not your damn baby. I'm your girlfriend."

The look came back and I was trapped. "Don't talk to me like that!"

she slapped me again.


"Your mine. She's a slut-"

"Who you dated." she stepped forward, I stepped back.

"Why are you stepping away?" she stepped forward again and again. I stepped back until I reached my bed, not speaking.

"Why?" I still didn't respond. She slapped me again, across my mouth.

"The fuck!" I slapped her and ran downstairs. "GET OUT! JULIE GET OUT!" I wiped my cheek.

She walked downstairs. "Why baby?"

"Get the fuck out!" she walked to where I was, in the kitchen.

I turned to walk away. "Not to fast Star." I turned slowly seeing she had a knife in her hand.

Chapter 7.

I stared at her, shaking my head. I was shocked. I stood there as she came closer. My heart pounded faster, breathing faster. She walked in a circle around me, until she got in front of me again. She held the knife near my neck.

when enough is enoough pt 1 - 5Where stories live. Discover now