Please Come be My Valentine

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  • Dedicated to The wonderful wattpad ladies.

Will you be my valentine?

I'm really, really hot.

I live in a large mansion

And I own a super yacht.

I drink Champagne for breakfast

I eat oysters for my tea.

I have a load of servants

Who do everything for me.

Not everything is perfect

I'm sure that you won't mind

I've got a very loving heart

And I'm very kind.

My nose fell off last Wednesday

It really was a shock

I found it underneath the bed

And keep it in my sock.

You'll have to speak quite loudly

I only have one ear

My teeth fell out on thursday

I had better make that clear.

Some other bits are missing

But we'll not go into that

My hair fell out on friday

But I've got a wicked hat!

So, come on, take a chance on me

Regret it you will not

My temperature is off the scale

I told you I was hot!

A/N All applications should be addressed to Owain Glyn, bed 6, ward 12, St Michaels hospital for the congenitally optimistic. penzance.

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Owain Glyn

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