Ode to a Shopaholic

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  • Dedicated to If The Cap Fits.............

Oh! look at those beautiful, beautiful shoes!

I could afford one, but they do come in twos.

It would take me a month, if I saved really hard,

I think I might try out, my new credit card.

I've tried them both on, and they really look sweet,

But I'll need a new bag, just to make it complete.

That blue one, in leather, has just caught my eye,

They only have one, I will just have to buy!

It's not my fault now, that I need a new dress,

Or the shoes, and the bag, will just look a right mess.

Oh, the dress is just perfect; I'll have to have that,

And you might as well throw in, that gorgeous red hat.

I'd better stop now, that's enough for today,

I know what my miserable husband will say.

But I know, in my heart, that I'm worth every cent,

And that card's bloody useless, it's now overspent!!!

                                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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