15: Pets!

141 15 51

Alright I'm almost brain-dead.

For the suffix, how many pets have you owned(total, including your pet(s) right now)?
None: Lizard/Snow/Honey
1: Kestrel/Hawk
2: Leaf/Jay
3: Echo/Mud
4: Sun/Dust(y)
5: Aspen/Bumble/Night
6: Violet/Tiger/Clover
7-9: Gold(en)/Poppy/Lion
10-14: Pigeon/Cherry
15+(Wow if this is you...OwO): Wasp/Tansy/Olive

Now, for the suffix, what type of pets have you owned? If you haven't owned any, what type of pet do you want?
Dogs: fur/moon/fang
Cats: claw/dawn/muzzle
Fish: leap/pool
Birds: wing/flight/call
Reptiles: tail/leaf
Rodents: ear/eye(s)/nose/cloud
Other: spots/stripe/frost
I don't want any pets: pelt/foot

If you have owned for example, a cat and a dog, then either choose between them or do multiple names!

Do/did you have a favorite out of the pet's you've owned? I'm just adding this cuz I want too...

Yes, the 1st-3rd one I owned: Persian
Yes, the 4th-6th one I owned: Tortoiseshell
Yes, the 7th+ one I owned: Tabby
NOOOO DON'T MAKE ME CHOOOOSE I LOVE THEM ALLLL: You pick! It can be any breed!
I haven't owned any: Calico

Sorry if your name is weird or your breed doesn't match your name!

I got Nightfur, a persian cat(I chose cuz I wuv them all!). I think this one is interesting and I'd love to hear what you got <3

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