11: Help!

173 15 58

This doesn't really count as one, but I'm running out of ideas! Any suggestions I'm open to! My goal was to do about 25 of these. Here's one, but it might be the last in a while. I'll keep thinking, help me out here... :(

For your prefix: Out of these, what is most important to you? You can pick more than one!

Family/Friends- Maple/Rain
Money- Grass/Scar
Power- Storm/Squirrel
Education- Leaf/Tawny
Animals- Pounce/Fern
Video Games- Thorn/Bumble/Bee

For your suffix: Favorite Subject?

PE- leap/flight/run(ner)
Art- fur/shine
Music- song/call
Writing- pelt/mist
Science- foot/storm
World History/Social Studies- tail/scar/ear/eye(s)
Math- nose/dapple
Literature/English/Reading- heart/pool
Other- claw/stripe

I got Rainmist or Fernpool! What did you get? :3

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