The Morning

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    It was just your average day when you wake up and realize, you don't have work today. Instead of going to get dressed for work, you stay in your pajamas and slowly make your way to brush your teeth. You stayed up late last night due to a certain anime and may not want to change, but hygiene is important. As you look at yourself in the mirror you recognize someone or rather some thing that isn't you. Where your ears used to be there are now pointy ones that are a little bigger than what they were before. Instead of facing your normal colored skin you're met with a greyish kind of skin tone. As you look up to your face you realize your eyes are no longer their original color and your teeth no longer smooth, in their place there's white eyes and fangs that go a little past your lips. Your hand immediately reaches for your hair. Only to feel hair that is short and curly, the new hair is as white as pure snow. You wonder how this could've happened, but you don't remember anything from the night before besides watching anime. Instead of freaking out you try to calm yourself down as you go back to your room to get your phone. When you're walking in the hallway you hear something drop downstairs, but you think to yourself that it's just your cat and keep heading in the direction of your room. The door to your room is wide open, although, you don't remember leaving it open. As you reach for your phone an Unknown caller id shows up. You answer.
    The phone is at your ear as your heart starts to beat faster for some reason.
    "Save me, please save-".
    You take your phone away from your ear in a hurry and see that the call has been disconnected. The voice was so soft, but it sounded worn out and like they've been running for awhile. You can't tell if it was a girl or a boy or if they were a child or not, but something about the voice sounded a little familiar.
    As you place your phone down and go to reach for your jacket you hear another loud bang from downstairs. Afraid of what it could be due to the events of the morning you rush down to see what caused the bang. When you arrive downstairs you look around your kitchen and living room only to find your cat on the table that knocked over a plate. You scoff at the cat then walk over to it, aiming to pet it, but as you get closer you see a kind of gleam in the cats eyes. You get closer and closer until you hear a ding from the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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