22: Emeralds Vs. Iron

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"Do you really need that long in the bathroom?" Momo asked bouncing out of her seat when Rukia finally emerged again.

I jumped up and grabbed my sword that was leaning against the inside wall of my room.

"I'm Sorry! I was enjoying myself, I've never felt this clean before" she said glancing into the mirror next to the door after ruffling her hair up with a towel. In its reflection, she spotted me with my sword. "Wait, why are you taking that?"

"Huh?" I followed her eyes down to Onyx in my hand. "Ohh right! Just a habit I guess, I'm just so used to carrying it around everywhere with me" I laughed awkwardly and put it back down.

"Did you expect to be attacked on our way downstairs?" Momo giggled as we jogged out of the door and she locked it behind us.

"Who knows, anything could happen in this place," I said, knowing this was nothing like a normal school. Normal schools don't train kids on how to fight and defend again monsters for starters.

We made it just in time. As we walked through the large double doors of the main hall just off the downstairs entrance hall someone called the standing crowd of first-years to attention.

At the front of the room was a stage and podium, on which stood an elderly woman in long white and black robes. Being so short I could barely see over the crowd but from what I could tell the woman looked kinda like a nun because of her attire. Her only visible flesh was her face and hands, her hair was covered by a hat with trails of long white fabric hanging from it, almost like a cape.

"Good afternoon ladies and welcome to the Shino-o Spiritual Arts Academy for aspiring Soul Reapers" she spoke very slowly and croakily. I gave Rukia and Momo a look that said quite plainly: 'Make yourselves comfy, we'll be here for a while.'

"I am the head matriarch, representative of female faculty and students and owner of the ladies' dormitories. You may not know much about this prestigious school now, but after you take your history lessons you will find out that female Soul Reapers did not always belong here. Over these long years we have fought for the school to become what it is today, a fair and family-like community with one common goal: To raise and train young people like you into the soldiers of tomorrow" she waved her hands across the crowd "Regardless of gender or background" she paused to give a kindly smile down at us all.

"As the head representative of women at this establishment, I specifically deal with major matters concerning the women of this academy, such a financial and disciplinary matters. But more of that later. I would like to congratulate each and every one of you on successfully entering the academy and I hope that over the next six years, all of you will work hard and achieve your goal of qualifying to become Soul Reapers, but most importantly, you enjoy your time here while it lasts.

Let me introduce you to your Head Girl of the Emerald Plateau, Head of the Student Council and Head of the Disciplinary Comity, 6th Year Kanadeko Kanisawa" The matriarch bowed and tottered off the stage with a wooden cane to allow the girl from earlier to take the stage.

Before even speaking or introducing herself, Kanisawa took a moment to stare at the crowd. I got the impression that she was x-raying each of us in turn, kind of like the gargoyles stationed high up in the hallways, and I shivered at the thought of my every movement being watched.

"Good afternoon ladies. As the Head Girl of the Emerald Plateau, Head of the Student Council and Head of the Disciplinary Comity, it is my job to watch over the girls of the Shino-o academy and represent you in all of your affairs. Allow me to explain my rolls:

My three different rolls do have interlinking responsibilities. As the head of the Disciplinary comity-" she jabbed a thumb at the red band on her upper left arm that I had not noticed before as it blended in well with the red strips on her uniform. It had a golden hand with its palm facing flat up as if you tell you to stop. "I am in charge of all disciplinary matters for all students.

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