Chapter Seventeen

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You were able to join Hanji for dinner, and then you accompanied her to her lab afterward, where she talked your ear off about titans long into the evening. You loved her company and her knowledge, for that was one of the reasons you wanted to be a scout, but you still had one thing left you wanted to do today, so you bid her goodbye and goodnight after a little while. You made your way a few steps down the hallway to Levi's office, and you knocked, hoping he'd be inside.

A few seconds later the door opened, revealing the man.

"Back for more, already?" He said smugly.

"Ha ha. I'm here to hold you up on your end of the deal. I want to write a letter to my friends."

He opened the door wider, and gestured for you to come inside. His office was exceptionally clean, not a smudge or speck of dust anywhere.  It was a much different feel from his dim quarters at the training grounds. Oddly, that room suited him better.

He pulled out the seat across from his at his desk like a gentlemen would do, then he took his place in his chair, opening a drawer and taking out some writing supplies. He slid them across the desk and in front of you, then took out some of his own paperwork to do while you wrote.

You thanked him for the supplies, and then started your letter.


Today I had my first day of real scout training. It's a lot different training with the captain than with Commander Shadis. He actually trained with me, and did everything I was doing, instead of just watching and yelling.

I also got to meet Section Commander Hanji, who is an absolute riot to be around. She's so full of energy, and she knows everything there is to know about titans. I keep hearing other people call her crazy, but she makes me feel welcome here, so I like her a lot. Also, I met Commander Erwin Smith briefly, and he seems nice. It's kind of hard to read him. I wonder how Silva would interact with him.

I don't have many juicy details for you yet, but stay tuned. This place is interesting.

I miss you guys a lot. I can't believe it's only been one day. I can't wait till you all graduate and join me here. Thankfully I have Hanji and Captain Levi, but still. It's not quite the same without you. Let me know how you are all doing. Have you made a move on Altiena yet? And how are Silva and Renko? Let me know what's going on with all my friends.

With love,


You folded up the letter three times. But then you remembered what Levi said a few days ago about making copies, and you created a replica of your note, editing part of the one you're sending to tell Mylius to make copies too. Then, you sealed it in an envelope and addressed it. You looked up at Levi. "Where do I put mail I want to send?"

"I'll take it. It'll go out with my mail." He said, holding out his hand. You placed the envelope inside.

"Thanks." You started getting up to leave.

"Wait, (Y/N). Just a minute." He said, getting up and going into a room on the right. You glanced at what was inside, and it looked like a bed. That must be where he sleeps, if he even really does that. He came back a few seconds later holding two pieces of fabric, then held them out to you.

It was a jacket with the wings of freedom crest on it, accompanied with the signature green overcoat all of the scouts have. For some reason, seeing the garments made your eyes tear up.

"Stop looking at it and just take it." He said in monotone, and you retrieved it from his hands. He put a hand on his hip. "Well? Put the jacket on, at least. You're a scout now."

The Good Captain | Levi x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora