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Writers words to readers: So this is the first time ever i write a fanfiction in english, of course i've been writing in the english class but not like this. But i think it will be funny, it's cool to try it on. Well about me, I'm 13 years old and from Sweden, (It's a small county in Europe pretty much in the north. American thinks we have polar bears here and that we ride mooses instead of horses.) my name is Sanna and my english isn't the best but i will give it a try.


What will Hello England?! be about.

Hello England?! is about 17 year old Emma from Sweden, she's been living in a small town her entire life. The city where she lives have a mall a movie theater and she's fine about that. But then she gets to know that she's half Brittish and that she's cousin with the famous Liam Payne. Her parents send her to spend her summer vaccation in England with Liam and his friends in One Direction. Emma hates that her parents force her to do it. She is just fine without Liam in her life… She's been surviving the last 17 and doesn't see why they're so desperate to get her to England and Liam…

This will be a looooooooong vaccation

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