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"Sadly, I think that is all we have time to cover today. I will let you guys work on your homework for the rest of class time." I was standing at the front of my classroom, ending the day's lesson. This was my last class of the day and I couldn't be more ready to leave. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and my students, but sometimes I'm just ready to be off of work.

"Mr. Styles, can I talk to you in private for a second?" I saw Valerie sign slowly once she caught my attention from her seat. I nodded and made sure she followed me to my desk in the back of the classroom. I pulled a chair from the corner of the room and placed it in front of my desk. I gestured for her to sit and she smiled kindly and thanked me.

"So, what is it you need to talk about?" I always remember to sign slowly to my students just in case one is struggling to understand the language. I know that Valerie doesn't know some signs yet so I try to avoid anything she may not understand.

"I don't know if you want me to talk about this in school but-" She stopped herself short but I encouraged her to keep going.

"I wanted to talk about Oli? If I could?" She looked down at her lap shyly but I tapped my desk so she would look at me while I signed my response.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, sort of worried. She shook her head.

"No, nothing's wrong. I was wondering, since Oli is 15, if he could come to school here?" I was confused by her proposition.

"Oli is homeschooled, Valerie." I signed patiently. She took a deep breath.

"I know but we've been talking about it and Oli has mentioned more than once that he would rather go to school with me." Valerie signed more determined and more fluently than normal. 

Was this true? Has Oli wanted to come to a regular school all along? I mean, wouldn't Louis be the first one informed of this?

"Are you sure that he wants to change schooling? Or is it just because he wants to be with you more?" I asked her. Readjusting in my chair while I waited for her response.

"I think it's a little bit of both but he's told me how he feels sort of lonely because of his homeschooling. He's not able to make friends his own age and he wants to feel more normal. I don't know if it's because he's Louis Tomlinson's brother or if it's because he's isolated from other teenagers." I paused and took in all the information she gave me. I didn't think Oli felt lonely? And doesn't he have lots of friends?

"He has to have friends his own age though? I mean, he met you?" I trailed off and tried to wrap my head around all of this.

"We only met because I was alone at the charity event for deaf children a while ago. He was walking around with Zayn and saw me trying to sign to someone but I was really struggling so he came and helped me. He hasn't mentioned any kids his age and when he talks about things he's done, it always involves people Louis' age." Valerie slumped back in her chair as though she just took a thousand pounds off her shoulders.

Wow. I never knew that Oli felt this way before, he is always such a happy kid. The only time he ever showed any sign of sadness was when we had our heart to heart after his last audiologist appointment.

"Okay. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Valerie. I will talk with Louis more and see what we can do." Valerie was about to return to her seat but she stopped suddenly.

"Please don't mention anything about me. Oli told me not to tell you or Louis about all of this but I just couldn't let his feelings go unsaid. I had to say something." I nodded to her and walked around my desk so I was facing her nervous figure.

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