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I hesitated before signing anything else to Harry. Do I really want to dump all of my baggage on him? I mean I've only known him for a short period of time.

He's not like Zayn that has known Oli and I since I moved us out of our parents house 10 years ago. I also want Harry to like me and not feel like he has to stick around just because my parental situation is shit.

I took in a long breath, counted to three, then let it out slowly. Feeling a little bit more calm, I looked up at Harry.

His eyes were trained solely on me and he looked like he was ready for me to open my heart to him. My eyes were glassy with tears and Harry took notice of that quickly.

"Don't worry. I'm not pressuring you to talk to me. I'm just letting you know that I'm here and I care about you." He grabbed my hand softly. "And Oli too, of course." He smirked. I chuckled lightly, thankful that he was able to lighten my mood slightly.

Damn, why am I so emotional?

I started walking toward the couch in the living room and, since Harry still had a hold of my hand, he followed suit. We both settled ourselves and Harry made sure to face me straight on.

"I know that we've only known each other for a short period of time, but I feel like I can tell you anything. I trust you as much as I trust Oli and Zayn, which you know is a hell of a lot!" Harry smiled thankfully, not interrupting me.

"With that trust, I also have some fear. I'm afraid if I tell you any of my problems, that you won't want anything to do with me." Harry shook his head quickly.

"You know that's not true, Louis." I placed my hand on his thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I know but that's just the way I feel." Harry lowered his gaze to the ground in thought. I feel bad for making him over think what we have. I don't want him to think it's his fault.

I gave Harry's leg a light tap to gain his attention again. When I looked at his eyes, they seemed more determined and thoughtful as opposed to earlier.

"I haven't told anyone about my parents in a while so if I could talk about them, would you want to listen?" Harry smiled and nodded his head. I sighed.

"Whenever Oli was born, I wasn't like other older siblings. I didn't get jealous because he took attention away from me and I wasn't possessive over my toys. I loved him with everything in me. I would do anything for that kid." I paused and looked at Harry for motivation to keep going, which he gave plenty of.

"As soon as his hearing started to go, I felt this over protectiveness take over my body. If anyone breathed a word of disgust or hatred towards him I would immediately go off. I treated him like he was my own kid, even at age 13!" I shook my head, knowing the story was going to turn sour quickly.

"After Oli's third birthday, I saw a change in my parents. They didn't feel the need to try a little harder to help Oli. They didn't like that he wasn't able to talk as well as other kids or that he wasn't as social as other kids. They were backing away from their own child." Harry was the one to shake his head this time.

"I eventually took over the parental role altogether. I taught him sign language, both British and American, and I was the one to take him to school everyday. I did his laundry, made sure he didn't have any nightmares. I cooked whenever my parents didn't feel the need to provide for us, even if that meant not eating myself. I tried to make Oli's life as normal as possible." I was so glad I had to sign everything because my throat is already tightening from holding in any tears.

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