Closing Author's Note

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Hello everyone! DreamsForDays here! I just wanted to thank you all again for bearing with me on this journey to write this story and post it. It's been a couple months in the making, and it didn't quite make the expected 42K words I thought it would end up being, but I still hope it was enjoyable to read nonetheless. The ending word count is 28,504 with a grand total of 67 full pages in Google Docs (where I usually write chapters before posting them).

Also, I'd like to give an special thank you to SheriAnderson and Krazykat179 for beta reading select parts to the story for me when I needed feedback. And I'd like to give an extra special thank you to  for putting up my thousands of questions when I asked for her help with narrowing down songs for the Kpop playlist and for encouraging me to keep writing and take breaks when I started getting worn down. You guys rock!

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