So Many Accidents

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Truth or dare was going well, no one had had too much alcohol except for Chan who had pledged not to drink that night. He was slurring his words while leeching onto poor Jeongin who looked a mixture of annoyed and scared.

So far I had been told to massage almost everyone in the group and Seungmin had been told to go ten minutes saying everything in an Australian accent which was pretty funny to listen to. Jisung had been dared to stay at my side all night by Hyunjin and he was currently drooling on my shoulder as he finished his second glass of alcohol.

"Ok, we should turn things up now!" Chan stated, looking around at all of us with an odd smile. 

Oh no...

Chan's eyes fell on me and he spoke, "Felix, my man. Truth or dare?" His smile scared me and I tried my hardest to think for a second even though my thoughts were getting foggy.

Dare was probably the wrong choice but who knew what he had for truth, "Hmmmm, truth." I said, wincing.

"Hell yeah!" Chan exclaimed, "There's a question I feel like everyone in here wants the answer to."

I don't know why but my heart started to beat fairly quickly and I felt my throat begin to tighten a bit. What did they want to know?

"It's a two-part question but the questions come together as one." Chan was trying his hardest to talk steadily, "First off, what is your sexuality?" He asked, and everyone leaned in slightly to look at me. The fuck kind of question was that?

I felt a little flustered but pushed past the feeling, trying to say my answer without stuttering, "Uh I-I'm not one hundred percent sure..." I started, getting nervous as Jisung's round eyes bored into the side of my head, "but I feel like I'm pansexual." I finished, avoiding everyone's eyes. This wasn't the way I had planned to come out to my bandmates.

"HA!" Chan shouted, clapping loudly, "Changbin, you now owe me fifty bucks!" Changbin looked unimpressed, folding his arms together and pouting. 

"I thought for sure he was just gay..." Changbin sighed, reaching for his wallet which was just sitting on the center table, and reluctantly pulled out fifty dollars.

Jisung laughed, "No way man, I've seen Felix oogling over males, females, and enbys." He teased, hugging me tightly and swaying from side to side.

"Y'all placed bets on my sexuality?!" I yelled, feeling slightly hurt but also oddly amused. "The hell is wrong with you guys?" 

Chan and Changbin broke out laughing, Chan fell off of Jeongin and curled into a ball on the floor. Wow, they were hyper.

"And the second part of your truth," Chan said between gasps for breath, "Out of everyone in this room, would you do it with any of us?" He asked.

My eyes widened and I sat there for a moment, I could feel everyone's eyes pasted on me and the room went silent. I started to blush as I felt Jisung get even closer to me and I shook my head, trying to think straight, "Ew n-no, that would be weird you guys are like family to me" I lied, hoping that everyone was too drunk to realize.

"Aw man, that's no fun..." Jisung whined next to me, "We need the drama Lixieeee" He added, grabbing onto my shirt. He was definitely getting a little too tipsy.

Seungmin and Jeongin looked slightly uncomfortable with the way that this was going and Minho was staring at me with jealousy in his eyes as his crush clung drunkenly to my shoulder.

This was interesting...


I felt weird, my mind was spinning and everything felt odd. Felix's arm felt warm and comforting and I grabbed hold of it with no intention of letting go. His face was an adorable mixture of flustered, uncomfortable, and happy. He looked so good.

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