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Ace held us under a bar.

I had expected as much - the basement-like area, the music above.

He let us walk free once a deal was struck and we discussed the terms of this partnership- namely, we work together and don't snitch. All our belongings were returned to us. That being, my large number of weapons . There was no bloodied signature passing between us, only the promise that we would see each other again- next time, to plan and execute. His word was not something to take lightly. I am sure if we were to go against him in any way he could uncover, he would have both our heads- bullet rattled no doubt.

I dutifully noted everything about the bar, and it's location, well in the middle of what the police officers would call Scorpion territory. Ace owns it, I know that from research after. Of course, he owned it under his legally official name- Martinez. Turns out Ace Martinez owns many proprieties and establishments around Boston. A businessman is what he'd be labelled as, a mere cover.

Over the past year, Aaleyah and I had taken many dangerous 'missions'. Never had one called for help the way this has. Though partnering with the Scorpions made sense, though I have it thought out to the tee, I can't help the sense of dread that settles. The gut feeling that this mission would be different from the others.

My gut feelings tended to hold some sense of integrity. So I jump on settling all school assignments for as far as I can. Only so I can put as much focus on the upcoming task.

If Aaleyah feels the same, I can't tell. She had been just as busy as I for these past few days. Perhaps she feels the need to tie up any loose ends, as well. Our contact with one another ran short because of this.

And tonight, I sit at the kitchen table, elbow deep in textbooks and caffeine, when a knock hits the door. My head shoots up immediately, and for a second, I stare at the closed door through the hall.

Aaleyah had arrived home before nightfall, already fast asleep in her room it seems. I glance at the time on my opened laptop, 11:20 p.m.

The apartment seems to still as I breathe out quietly, waiting for another knock. After counting ten seconds- no further noise at the door- I make a sprint for my room. It took my less than twenty steps to get to my room, get my fold knife and get back to the door. My bare feet are soft against the tiled floor.

My hand tightens on the hilt of my knife as I near the door again. A small part of me hopes I had fragmented the noise in the stillness of the night. That I'd open the door to find nothing but an empty hall and a clear godly message to go to bed.

But nevertheless, I place a steady hand on the door knob, the unopened knife finding its way behind my back. I prepare my stance for anything as I slowly creep the door open.

I suppose I should not be surprised to see Ace standing on the other side. I had tried to expect him for the past few days now. But that does not stop my heart rate from picking up as I stare at the criminal standing outside my apartment at midnight.

"How did you find me?" I ask, my voice low, not to wake the neighbors.

His signature smirk is plastered on his face. Though I've realized that there were small differences in his expressions when he presents himself as Salvatore and as Ace. In the dim light of the halls, I can not tell who he is at this moment.

"Come on, I do my homework too," he says, a light amusement lingers in his tone.

He does not hesitate, as he walks past me, shoulder hitting mine aside. He strides proudly into my apartment and makes no qualm about looking around. I gawk at his boldness, but the knife in my hand keeps itself at bay. I turn to face him, still keeping the weapon hidden from his gaze.

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