flowers and seeds

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i giggled as I watched Travis play with stormi and spin her around like a helicopter it was the cutest thing ever I loved watching  Travis play with stormi 

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i giggled as I watched Travis play with stormi and spin her around like a helicopter it was the cutest thing ever I loved watching  Travis play with stormi 

Me makes her so happy and they just complete each other, I have never seen stormi this happy when she was with Rodrick or anyone but me and Travis  everything just felt great with them and I loved that

Me makes her so happy and they just complete each other, I have never seen stormi this happy when she was with Rodrick or anyone but me and Travis  everything just felt great with them and I loved that

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Stormi: I look mama I can fly

Me: I see mama you so high up

Travis: ok time to get down I'm tired

Stormi: no dada

Me: stormi let dad rest ok we'll go get ice cream later

Stormi: ok

Travis: ok go play with everybody else I need to talk to mama alone ok

Stormi: ok

Stormi ran over to the kids and Chris pulled her up and started throwing her up like he was doing with the other kids, it was so cute they were all giggling and having fun my heart was melting I think I might have baby fever someone call the doctor 

Me and Travis sat at this pretty old yellow bench not to far away from everybody else and he looked pretty said like something was on his mind so I gave him a hug cause he loves my hugs he kinda smiled but it want straight back to a frown 

Me: what wrong Travis 

Travis: I just wanted to talk about a few things that all

Me: ok ask away

Travis: so about our are we official where 

Me:  I don't understand 

Travis: your fucking stupid 

Me:I know it was a joke but  i gauss we're together 

Travis: I mean are you ready to make it official cause I'm really feeling you

Me: i mean yea I love being with and stormi 

Travis: are you dating stormi no don't bring her into this

Me: ok fine yes I wanna be with you

Travis: ok second when are you going to tell stormi about me

Me: what do you mean

Travis: are you going to tell her that I'm here father 

Me: not yet I waiting for a age that she would understand 

Travis: what do you mean she's three she can understand 

Me: I'm not ready to tell her and that's that I'm sorry

Travis: whatever it's cool 

Travis walked back to the rest of the group leaving me behind, stormi ran into his hands and they started playing again and my guilt was starting to hit again I feel like a horrible mother I'm lying to my daughter and handing who her dad 

Not to add on the person she knows as here dad doesn't even love her like her real dad who she thinks is just a friend what the hell is wrong with me on my mama I'm fucked up in the head

I walked back over to the rest of the group as we got ready to go home we had to make sure we have every single child with us, once Chris counted every single child and double check we walk3d back to the house since it only took one minute to walk back to the house but we had to have our guards up so every time a car passed by we got ready to shoot a hoe 

When we got back to the house me, ammika and nia bathed all the kids cause they were rolling all in the gross and then we bathed ourselves 


After bathing me, Hercules, Capri and stormi want to the kitchen to gat something to eat while walking pass the living room we saw the boys watching  basketball and there eyes were glue so the fucking screen I just shook my head and continued walking with my kids to the kitchen

When we got to the kitchen I grabbed three bowls and made the kids some cereal for them to eat cause I want about to cook shit your girl lazy hell and ain't nobody got time for that 

As the kids were eating stormi started feeding Capri and Hercules there cereal he was such a good big sister even though Hercules was older then her p, yep I'm having baby fever I felt so bad that everybody else had siblings and stormi was the only child 

She looks like she really wants another sibling and she's really god at taking care of other kids, she always takes charge even if your like 20 years older then her she's still going to treat you like she's the oldest person in the world and it was so cute but she got an attitude she be telling me what to do like girl bye I wish she would try to tell me to go to sleep 

But she don't like sleeping that don't add up, I watched as stormi continued feeding her " siblings " until they all finished eating  I put the bowls in the sink and watched the dishes while the kids ran around the house and watched tv with Chris and Travis until we heard what sounded like gunshots, glass shuddering  and screams coming from upstairs 

I dropped the dishes on the ground and ran upstairs and the guys followed me with the kids , when we got upstairs we saw nia on the ground with her leg bleeding i looked in the closet and saw royalty hiding with ammika, aeko, and raven literally shaking 

More noise came from the room next to us p, Travis pushed me and the kids in the big walking closet with no windows and locked it 

We heard running, yelling and gun shots coming from all over the house and the kids started crying but he kept them quiet, as the protectors we had to hide our fear from the kids so they didn't worry  but I almost pissed myself 

After a while it got quite and we couldn't hear anything so I started to overthink until he heard to footsteps coming  upstairs and then the closet door open which there stood Travis and Chris who got shot in his legs and the blood was everywhere making the kids scream so we covered there eyes just in case if there were people still in the house 

I already knew who did this it was very obvious or was it cause Rodrick couldn't know already we didn't tell anyone about where we were going so how did he find out

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