Family dinner

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I and Rodrick are at dinner with his mom, my dad, Allie, Brooklyn, and the babies everybody was having fun and laughing while Hercules ate while Capri and Stormi slept like they always do

Mrs.Moore: so Allie how are you and the babies doing it been a while since you checked up with us

Allie: I've been busy I'm actually starting my own clothing line but the babies are good I love being with my babies but I wish Rodrick would be there more

Bella and Rodrick rolled their eyes yes although they put their differences apart for the kids Allie was still jealous that Bella and Rodrick were together and happy, she felt like she deserved that life with Rodrick and she got more pissed when she and Rodrick went public with there relationships she felt like such a fool

Mr.Smith: hey y'all be nice, remember do it for the kids

Allie: maybe if Rodrick would pay attention to his other baby mama instead of just one then maybe it would work I mean I have two of his kids and he barely sees them


Bella: Rodrick calm down the kids are sleeping your gonna wake them up

Rodrick sat back down and started playing with his food the whole mood was now ruined everybody was quiet and everybody else in the restaurant was staring at them or talking about them why Allie just shut the fuck up sometimes since the mood was ruined Rodrick had the idea to brighten it up he had already planned to propose to Bella but not this early but he decided to still do it

Rodrick: well since this is the perfect time to ask the question

he said as he put his hand in his pocket and grabbed a small red velvet box out and got on his knees everybody was shocked even the worker they all got their phones out and recorded except for Allie so got mad and left with her kids but nobody paid attention to her

Rodrick: Bella joseph smith will you marry

Bella: omg yes

Rodrick put the ring on Bella's finger and the two hugged each other like they were going die tears of joy started falling from Bellas's eyes, everybody in the restaurant clapped and so did the paparazzi while they took pictures

Rodrick: we should leave it getting late

everybody shook their heads and put on their coats while Bella got stormi and they all headed out to the party bus they came in this were finally going right for Bella she has her soon to be husband, stormi, her dad nothing can go wrong she just won't allow it

short chapter ik

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