Production Info

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The concept for this musical is the structure of an infinity sign. Both characters start at either end, move until they meet in the middle, and then pass through to the other side, effectively switching characters. This infinity structure allows for a transitional story-arc without the need for a resolution. The conclusion is the beginning. We start again.

There is a biblical allusion proposed by the song Babylon that I was also worked into the story's narrative. Babylon is a nation that was condemned to be endlessly at war. It is known throughout history for it's dramatic downfall; however, biblically, Babylon tells several more stories than just that of its demise. This first of which is the story of the Tower of Babel. In this story the Babylonians got hubristic and believed that they could build a tower to the gods, becoming the most powerful nation. This went against God's wishes, so he cursed them to all speak different languages. Due to this, they were unable to complete the tower. This parable parallels the first part of the infinity structure.

The next parable is that of the prophesied fall of Babylon. It was predicted by the Bible that Babylon would fall more than once, the second time being brought about by a woman titled Mystery, the Whore of Babylon. During these collapses, the Babylonians would be persecuted for the sins they had committed. Whatever they had done to others would come back to them twofold. This parallels the second part of the infinity structure.

(These are the really condensed versions of these concepts, I will be expanding in the post-show discussion!)

This musical is not a biblical story, but I found these comparisons striking because it brings up the concept that cyclical toxic relationships are not a new concept. The idea of getting even with someone by hurting them exactly how they hurt you has existed since the dawn of time.

I have also likened the push and pull of the infinity structure to that of an elastic band or a magnetic pull. And elastic band can only push so far from its source before it'll get flung back in the other direction. Same with magnets. If two magnets have the same magnetic pull, they will be attracted to the same point, only to get too close to one another and repel away again. This cyclical relationship is not just bound to human relationships throughout history, it's built into the physics of our universe.

So if all of that is true, how are we supposed to break the cycle?

This script does not propose an solution.

Additionally, the relationship featured in the story is not bound by gender or sexual orientation. Therefore, I wrote the characters to be gender neutral. This couple can be same gender, mixed gender, non-binary, or anything in between. This is a human condition; it does not discriminate.

Because of this, both characters use they/them pronouns. This creates confusion in places, but that is intentional. Both people in the relationship are both characters at all time. They are the manifestation of both their past, their present, and their future actions.

As this story is a cycle, it was hard to determine a true start/stop point. Honestly, you could start this playlist at any point, listen to it straight through, and get the entire story. Youngblood was chosen for its finality without being the finale. If anything, Youngblood occurs in the middle of the action. But it's the moment where they switch roles. While I do not think a production could start anywhere else, I do think it could be cool if a production did two full loops of the story back to back.

Another choice the specific production could make is the use of an ensemble. An ensemble is not necessary, but could be interesting for use in group dance numbers and to fill out harmonies.

Finally, I want to highlight the importance of dancing in this script. Movement tells the story, spoken dialogue does not. This is difficult for me to write into the script, especially as I am not a choreographer, but I tried to write what the movements is each song should be representing. If you are a dancer, I'd love to hear your thoughts! The reasoning behind the choice to tell the story through dance as opposed to dialogue is that I felt only dance could show the chemistry that this couple has. Words can be faked, but passion and collaboration involved in a dance cannot.

MORE DETAILS LIKE THESE WILL BE COMING OUT IN THE POST-SHOW DISCUSSION, BUT THIS IS WHAT I WANTED YOU TO KNOW IN ADVANCE! Also check out my design mood board up top. The design doesn't have to look like this, but this is what I picture!

Youngblood: a 5SOS Jukebox Musical ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now