Chapter 7

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Okay I know I haven't updated since forever, but I had kind of a rut in the story. Didn't really know what to write next. This chapter kind of sucks tho




"No college till you get better." Clayton couldn't bear the thought of his Victoria being anything other than whole and healthy.

"B-but yo-" She protested.

"That's final."

Chapter 7:

She couldn't believe the nerve of that man. He had kept her totally caged up for three long, torturous days and nights. Finally the doctor had declared her fit enough to resume school. So here she was on her way back to school. It would be her first day back after she had been so rudely abducted by this monster of a man.

Although she had tried to escape about three times now, the security around his house was so tight that she hadn't even been able to leave the premises before getting caught every single time.

"Do you remember the rules?" Clayton's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

Glaring out the window Victoria mumbled an affirmative to his question. Before they had left his house Clayton had sat her down and explained to her a list of rules she would have to agree to if she wanted to continue attending school. If she wouldn't comply with his orders she would be forced to join online college courses and receive her education from there. So Victoria had swiftly agreed. Once she got out of the house she would be able to find a route of escape.

"Good." Clayton's hand came to rest on her thigh as he drove.

Frantically, Victoria tried to pry it off. She wasn't very good with anything that involved intimate contact and Clayton's touch just repulsed her.

"You seem to have forgotten the rules, darling." He cooed glancing at her fuming figure. "Tell me the rule referring to this."

"Public displays of affection are something I will have to bear if I want to go to college." She spat out.

As in her opinion, Clayton was an obsessive little bastard.

"Well, I wouldn't word it like that. But yes." Clayton chuckled, all the while trying to mask the hurt he felt at the venom that single statement was laced with.

Pulling into the parking lot of her college, he drove to the entrance of the main building where throngs of students stood whiling away the time before class. This would be as good a time as any to publicly lay his claim.

Pulling open her door for her, Clayton helped Victoria down. The height of the truck served as a problem for her considering she was so tiny. Taking the chance to slip his arm about her waist he led her towards the front steps.

"You can go now Clayton. I'm in the school premises now." Victoria hissed up at him.

Inwardly cooing at the beautiful girl in his arms, Clayton leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You still have sometime till your class. About five minutes to be exact." He argued, unwilling to part with Victoria.

"But everyone's staring. It's uncomfortable." She sighed and lent into his body as though to get away from the probing gazes of the students around them. Snapping his head up, Clayton allowed his caring demeanour fade away as he glared at the students gathered about. How dare they make his angel uncomfortable?

The sound of more jeeps pulling up behind his truck distracted Clayton. Six men wearing the signature royal blue jackets embroidered with the logo of his gang stepped out. A pleased smirk played about his lips as he noticed the men had brought the vehicles with the gang logo engraved on the doors on either side. Now everyone would know not to mess with Victoria.

"Why're they here?" Asked Victoria.

"For your protection." The crestfallen girl in his arms was so adorable. "You didn't think I'd leave you here alone to face the wrath of those boys I beat up for you, did you?"

The blood drained from her face at the mention of the two imbeciles who had tortured her so.

"So these men will tail you all day to prevent anything like that happening." Clayton comforted his angel.

"Boss." The men bowed their heads in respect as they stood before him awaiting orders.

"Your orders for the indefinite future are guard detail for my girl. Split into teams of four and two, for the duration of the college classes she will attend. Four of you will tail her in her classes all day, and two will stay outside the building to monitor the outside. Clear?"

"Crystal." they chorused.

"You are to keep her within sight at all times. I see a single hair out of place and I will ensure you have the slowest and most painful end possible."

"Understood." they chorused once more. The perfect image of obedience.

If only Victoria could take a few pointers from them.

"Is this necessary? No one is going to hurt me in school." Victoria protested in his arms.

"If she gets hurt, even if it's a paper cut; I will personally skin you alive. Capiche?" He added as an afterthought.

"Yes Sir." The men saluted.

"Good. It's time I leave. Have a good day darling." Clayton cooed to his beauty, leaning down he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek and gave her a tight hug.

The entire student population looked on in awe as the most feared gang leader in the area dropped off an innocent slip of a girl at college like a sweet, caring man. What had the world come too?

"There's no way I'm getting rid of you all, is there?" Victoria grumbled to the six men currently surrounding and blocking her from curious bystanders. Their tall muscular figures towered over her. Dark chocolate hair, eyes ranging from blue to brown, straight noses with a strong jawline. They seemed to resemble a lot the only noticeable difference being the eye colours. Perhaps they were related?

"You heard the boss." What seemed to be the leader replied almost apologetically.

"Well since I'm stuck with you, what are your names?"

"James is the one with the blue coloured eyes." The leader spoke again, explaining the names and distinguishing features. "Gabriel is the one with light brown. Roy has dark brown eyes. Will has a darker shade of blue eyes. Dan has black-ish eyes. And I am Chase."

"Uh-uh. Ok it's time for my class let's go!" Victoria pranced off to her class trying desperately to lose the bodyguards in the students rushing into the classrooms. No such luck though, the students parted like the Red Sea for the four gang members walking behind her. Great.

How was she going to escape with these four tailing her all the time?

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